Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Marital bliss

Marital Bliss

It has been exactly a month now since i became his wife. I honestly did enjoy the wedding..in fact i kinda missed being made up, fancifully dressed and fussed over for about 2 days. It was quite a magical feeling, to say the least. So to those who are about to be married, enjoy your planning and the wedding day itself coz there's no other occasion that will come close to that.

My days have just been super ever since. Yes im speaking like a true blue newly wed, all starry in the eye, glowy in the face, none of which tons of SKII miracle water can ever achieve.

And yes, all the things i have envisioned married life to be, are what it is and a lot more. Before i got married, i remembered writing somewhere that im looking forward to waking up in the morning with him by my side instead of having to sms or making that fone call, i looked forward to staying in and watching television together all day and blah blah blah.

All dat, we are doing rite now and it was exactly wat i envisioned it to be. For now, all that is enough to make me extremely happy and content. I still smile to myself when it sometimes suddenly dawned on me that I am indeed married and that basi face i see every morning is indeed MY HUSBAND.

This one month has been nuthing but a loong relaxing holiday for us. We have done nuthing except go places, lepak and watch tv, walked up and down town as many times as we want, waking up late in the afternoon and sleeping all day long. All done legally with that person now called my husband. No more that guilty feeling when spotted by makcik2 in town or anticipating my mum's nagging when i come back late.

A huge relief, indeed.

Of course, this is the honeymoon stage, its only been a month.

There's bound to be misunderstandings along the way and painful adjustments and sacrifices to be made.

In fact, everyday has been a lesson learnt.

Though we have known each other for 6 years, there are still new discoveries which marriage has brought us. Some good and some not pleasant ones. In fact, each argument or rather adjustment, has strengthened my belief that i have made the right choice.

He has earned my utmost respect in everyway, and to me, his strength in character sets an example i will try to emulate. To me, he deserves my standing ovation for being able to tackle my psychotic theories, irritating paranoias and drilling questions.
Even when I cant tackle em.

But i must and i will keep in my mind that the human is indeed weak and has his limitations, no matter how patient one is.

Alhamdullilah, so far, we have taken everything that has comed positively and insyallah, we will continue to do so.

The road is still long for us, and with love and plenty of doas as our fuel, we shall embark on this new journey together.