Monday, April 17, 2006

Silly pics.

Totally forgot about these pics till my bro asked to see them.

Irfan the furry rabbit

Irfan the horseback rider "Yeeeehaaah"

Irfan being eaten by a lion. "Help!Help!"

Irfan was still up at 12 am, marvelling over the majestic Mustaffa centre. It must have seemed like the whole universe to that lil mind of his. So much to see, plenty to process and he was pretty much game for anything.
More about that nite here.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Last week was a really busy week.
Too much to tell, but i dunt have the luxury of time now, so the pics will do the talking.

International Friendship Day was celebrated with much fanfare, balloons, confettis and mega carnival.
Tara Andrews walked in class with a long rifle and the most adorable cowgirl costume evr.

The New Zelandander cowgirl in my class.
Can't resist a picture with her.

Gadis Melayu and Gadis Lembu

The rest of the motley crew. From all over the globe...

But the highlight of last week, was the SYF Malay dance Competition. We brought back the Gold. I'm really proud of the students who showed determination and confidence.
All the hard work paid off after all.

Things like these made me remember why i join the teaching profession in the first place. It's all about the irritating but undeniably adorable kids. They are the only reason which make my work a lot more enjoyable.