Saturday, July 22, 2006

things aren't so peachy for me these couple of days. nope, i didnt bump my head big time and hence the size L handyplast. it's actually a fevr plaster which ayah said i should use so that my fever would go away. that's what i have; a fevr. im feeling just horrible. sometimes i feel very hot and other times, im just freezing cold. and i feel like i have something gooey stuck in my throat and i have a whopping cough that sounds very strange. and water keeps oozing out of my tiny nostrils. so uncomfortable. overall, it's just terrible!

Ayo yo, banyak sakit loh!!

oh god! im really burning up!!!. ibu takes my temp every few hours and so far it hasnt been good news. my highest temp was 39.5 and it has been going up n down. oh my, oh my, ibu looks worried and im just having a big fat headache.
And the heat; it just wouldnt go away. feels like a huge fire burning inside of me.

i dunt mean to be a whiny cry baby and make ibu n ayah carry me all the time, but sometimes i just cant control myself. i was thinking, maybe if i shout real loud and hit my head a couple of times, all the heat in me would just escape from each and every tiny pore in my body. i wish i wish.
but i soon learnt that didnt work out too well. the fever just wouldn't go away. so i resorted to saying a prayer.

Dear Allah, pls make my fever go away, I said. I promise to be a good boy and stop pulling ibu's hair and pulling ayah's specs away and chewing on them. I promise not to tear away all of ibu's magazines and albums. but i guess, my request is still pending. just like ibu's request to be a full time housewife and yet have lots n lots of money. that is also still pending.

so for now, i guess, this is the kind of face i can afford to put up. they said i have to take my medicine and be patient about the fever going away. nenek said, i have fever coz, im going to walk soon and grow all my teeth. but how come, kakak qistina has so many teeth, can walk so well and yet had fever a few mths ago. nenek always say strange things.
n by the way, i think ibu forgot to tell you that i have grown two teeth below. refer to the pic of me screaming above.

oh well, i've tried everything and the fever hasnt disappear yet. think im just going to sit here and be quiet for a while.
wait for ibu to take my temp again and wait for the verdict. meanwhile, i'll say a lil prayer again in a couple of mins.
think this pathetic face will speed up my request?
hope so. (sigh)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


yes, we had tons of work. yes, it was monday nite and we had to be in sch by 7 the following day. BUT BUT BUT, it would jus be unforgivable to miss COLDPLAY!!!

so irfan was left with mum and my tons of work was completely forgotten as we attended the unforgettable concert. we had waited so long for this moment, and finally they came to town and we were there.

what more can i say. the concert was just amazing, the atmosphere was crazy and the set images and lighting was just great!!! we screamed our lungs out, all out of tune no less and we didnt care. yellow huge big balls bounced amongst the crowd as they sang YELLOw and chris martin ended the song with a pop on the ball using his guitar and strings of glitter came right out from the balloons much to the screams of everyone.

for that 1 and a half hours, we were just drowned by the music and atmosphere. they took us away. u should have been there, everyone should have been there!!

now listening to coldplay will never be the same. m getting goosebumps all over, just thinking of last nite.

the concert was just too great to miss. u must have been nuts not to be there!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Swim Baby Swim

Irfan loves water. he cries and make a fuss when his bath time is over, insisting to stay in the toilet somemore. hmm, wat else he likes?
swimming of coz!

macam real ajer! he really looks as if he could swim. but we didnt dare let him go and find out for sure.

getting all excited with abang haris.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

im up to my neck with work at the moment. july is a busy busy busy month. the recent june holidays wasnt much of a holiday either but we did manage to squeeze some time for a short break nearby. we tried to maximise watever lil time we have to spend time with irfan and each other.

kayaking in the evening

reckless drivers

pit stop; by the beach

irfan, with nenek and haris

ready to go diving, err sorry, swimming

despite the gallons of water he must have swallowed, he was super excited and extremely thrilled by his first swimming experience.

we would definitely bring him swimming again.

if only time wasnt a problem.