Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm looking for something
But I'm not sure what it is
There's this nagging voice that keeps ringing in my head
Nothing is out of place
Everything is perfect. As perfect as perfect goes.
But the buts keep coming.
Everyday is becoming more of a dread.
Nights, in anticipation of days, are just depressing.
Days pass in a blur.
Something is missing. I don't know what it is.
It's only at times like this, in the quiet of the night and the kids are fast asleep, that I remember that I'm missing something.
I wonder what is it I'm looking for.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A year ago

"Is this nice ibu?" Irfan choosing clothes for his lil sister. Putting it against his 'lil sister' in my tummy to see how it will look:)

Matching shoes!


Preparing for the lil girl's arrival.
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Monday, May 10, 2010

A Polka Dot Party!

Just for fun, we decided to go polka dot on that day. So they came with big polka dots and small ones. Those who didnt, had to be creative and stickers came to the rescue. Here are the peektures!


A brown bear for the brown bear:)

Can you sense the desperation for hair?!

Happy Birthday, my little girl!:)
You are such a wonder. Sometimes we look at you and still cant believe you are ONE. Love u, alisha.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Birthday little girl:)
The brown bear turns ONE!

More pics and a proper entry later..:)

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Beautiful bright morning, great music, Happy healthy kids...what a great start to the day.:)

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