Thursday, August 25, 2011

What I think about PE- part 1

So come this sat, who would u vote? How would you exercise your power of choice? With the general elections so fresh in many people's minds, will that affect the upcoming presidential election?

We always pride ourselves over the fact that we are rational thinkers. Singaporeans are known to stick to the course, unlikely to move opposite the norm and always extra careful when making decisions.

But of late, with the changing political arena and senses from the ground, this might not be so true anymore. Change has become far less scary for many more singaporeans now. And many now see that change is indeed possible and we do have a choice, a voice to decide.

With this new found power to decide, I guess we have to take the responsibility to educate ourselves more about each individual candidate. Times of going with the flow has ended. Times of 'we live our lives, let the government do the rest,' is long gone.

I can't help but to see that the PE has turned into supporters either taking sides of the ruling party or against the ruling party. Of course this is the easiest thing to do. A voter does not have much research or reading up to know which candidates has PAP affiliations and which don't. It is the easiest and most obvious difference. But if this is the only difference voters know so far, then I hope we do realize that this is not enough for a decision to be made.

The candidates are also painfully trying to distance themselves from any connections with our ruling party. I guess this is their attempt to "connect" with the ground.

When it comes to the voting table, I hope people do realize that it's an individual we are voting and not a political party.

Despite their affiliations with any party, what kind of person is the person you are choosing, their experience, their views, and more importantly their ability to be diplomatic n to communicate exceptionally well with leaders of other countries. Inevitably we cannot deny that our strategic relations with other countries is one of the cornerstone of our success. And as president, being head of state must possess exceptional diplomatic abilities.

How about check and balance? With so much talk about that, how important is that? i'll probably start that on a fresh page later.

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

There's an anti government phenomenon spreading like wildfire across the world.

How strange would it be to have even the president of the country be suspicious of the governments decisions and hold a deep rooted view that the government makes decision not for the people and hence have to be constantly checked on?

A sense of distrust is definitely not a unifying factor.

Be rational. Be informed.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thursday, August 04, 2011


I just simply cannot stand rude people.
People who speak, write emails, messages in a very curt, rude manner.

Sometimes I feel like telling them off and say, "look, there are a million and one ways to say this, and you choose to be condescending."

I don't know whether it's me but sometimes I think politeness and respect is beginning to lose it's importance in society today.

I see it in adults, the same adults who try to inculcate values in children.. Emphasis on speaking your mind, standing up for what you believe in, seem to overshadow showing empathy, respect and patience.

Recently I just received an email from a fellow colleague. It sounds curt and it made my blood boil reading it. I can choose to write an equally irritating email back to the person, confront the person, ignore the person or tell it to someone else. I chose to reply the email in an equally curt manner. Curt by my standards. I'm not sure if the person knows how mad I felt reading the email. I'm not sure if I did the right thing.

But to this day, I just cannot let it go. It's something I will remember. WIll it affect our interaction? Probably.

But I'm not the sort who will show the person a black face forever. I will always try to remember that in the grand scheme of things, this is just a tiny bleep. An insignificant one. But keeping the anger and emotions down is a true test of my character.

I notice that there is a growing number of people who feels that letting things go is a sign of weakness in character. "I won't take it lying down!" I hear that phrase a lot these days. As if to imply that taking things lying down shows lack of courage to stand up for what is right. And people who take things lying down are seen as a softie or easily bullied. Although standing up for what is right is extremely important, but in certain scenarios, it'a totally uncalled for.

For me, i still believe that whatever goes around comes around. Experience has repeatedly shown me that a person who pisses me off will usually get into trouble somehow or other without me playing any part in it. Their true character will be obvious to everyone without even me squeaking a word.

Patience is indeed a virtue. Remembering that this life is just a pit stop makes me realize that there is really no point in insisting that you are right or investing in negative emotions just to prove that you are right and someone else is wrong. Because ultimately, the decision is not yours. And you can never get everyone in the entire planet to see your point of view anyway.

So basically your reaction of 'standing up for what is right' could probably be just a result of your overwhelming anger.

Seriously, what Im really worried about is that respect is totally lacking. No respect for authority, for others, nothing. One day, respect will probably be equated to cowardice! And patience to being a doormat! That will be an extremely sad future. :(

Day 4

Irfan setting the table for buka. Was pleasantly surprised by his attitude towards fasting. We didn't even have to reward him with anything to motivate him. He didn't even once beg to eat. He didn't cry when asked to wake up for sahur. Didn't whine or keep asking what time it is! I'm veryyyyy surprised! Steady!!

It's not even a week. I'm hoping he can last a month. Since puasa, everytime he gets back from school, he will head to the kitchen and offer his help in the kitchen. I guess his mentality is; if I don't get to eat, at least, I get to be near food and enjoy the aroma! Hehe.

Press on, dear boy! You can do it!!!

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Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Ramadhan for a 6 year old

2nd day of puasa for irfan! No complains, no whining. Full of patience and determination. I think the big challenge for him today was when his lil sister insisted on having ice cream and slurped it all up in front of him. But Alhamdullilah he persevered.

Hopefully he will continue for as long as he can!:)

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A blank canvas, a novice painter

My hope, no different from most parents, is for my kids to be anak yang soleh dan solehah. But I am not sure how to get there. The responsibility of raising them, guiding them might be too huge for me.

Especially when I'm aware that I might not examplery most of the time.

But the moment your child is born, that is your hope, your lil prayer for them. Insyaallah, I'm guided the way.

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Another opportunity

This Ramadhan, I hope i can learn to be more patient. To be patient towards people around me whose behaviour I can't comprehend or agree with.

To be more patient towards those who can't comprehend or agree with my actions.

To learn to spend my days wisely. In prayer, in good thoughts, in moderation.

Ramadhan, I'm thankful you are here.

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Monday, August 01, 2011