Monday, October 25, 2004


The almost-final lap

wahhh..been busy, busy, busy!! The last minute preparations are keeping both of us extremely occupied, rushing here and there, making our final purchases, tying up the loose ends and confirming everything. and in the chaos of it all, i must admit Im beginning to feel all excited as i countdown to the big day. Thinking of it sends butterflies in my stomach and i get all smily(?) and delirious. hehhe macam pompuan gilerr. soo excited lahh, me dunno why. I never thought I'd feel this way.

went to our final fit a couple of days back. we had a hilarious time trying out the outfits. At first it was quite weird looking at each other in those "fancy" clothes. But I must say the kakak did a very good job. she could alter the baju till it fit my miniature size.i can't believe it! it was nicely done too! guess the roof of the bridal house must have been shocked looking at us too, coz when we were trying, water started pouring in from the ceiling. The roof was leaking! We clutched our clothes and dashed to safety! Everyone in the shop started taking out buckets after buckets and placing it all around the room. Kecoh kejap!

im just glad all my baju are settled, after much contemplating and changing of minds. choosing baju is NOT easy.especially for fickle pple like us. phewww..

a few days ago, my mum just finished sewing my baju nikah! yeay! i knew she had put in a lot of effort in that, especially since she is still recovering from her arm operation. But still she endured the occasional pain just to see her lil spoilt daughter happy. Seeing the baju nikah will always remind me of that. i hope and pray she will continue to be blessed with good health.

nowadays, we are in the midst of doing what we love; shopping! somehow we feel better that we are now shopping for a purpose. wedding is just the perfect excuse to spend money on that bag, shoes, watch, blink blink, makeup, toiletries, perfume and what not! I just can't wait to use em. hehhe.

everything has just been great, the whole process of planning for the wedding, the choosing, the buying, putting everything together...really, it has been nuthing but FUN. think im gonna miss this when the wedding is over. (but I'd miss the cash spent more!)

ok, gotta go. gotta help my parents write those names on the cards. Our wedding card...hmmm still cant get used to seeing my name on a wedding card.
Guess, Im really getting married, huh?!

Im really glad to be doing all of these with YOU. :)

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