Friday, September 16, 2005

Baby, pls meet me soon.

2 days left to my due date and still no pain at all. Doc mariamma mamma has set me up for an appointment next thursday to be induced if the baby is still not out yet. so im browsing the net rite now, reading up on the various methods of induction.

and here's what i found:
one method requires a tablet called pessaries containing prostaglandin gel to be inserted in the cervix (ouch?). might take a few days to take effect. So i assume there will be a lot of waiting. They might insert the tablet a few times more and see what happens.
another way is they can also break your waters using a hooklike thing (ouch? ouch?) to stimulate contractions. Once the water is broken, it is supposed to cause contractions but there's chances of it not happening too.
And as a last resort they might put u on a syntocinon drip which contains oxytoxin, hormones to stimulate contractions. For this, the info said, when you do get the contractions, the pain can be much much worst than normal contractions and might last longer, depending on how your body reacts. most of the time, an epidural is needed in this case.
And of course, when all else fails, there's the caesearean.
and i heard from a fren that husbands are not allowed to be with you throughout the ordeal above. For me, that will be the worst part ever.

and then of course, the info said there's the 'self-induced' methods like sex, stimulating your nipples, curry and taking long walks. Those sounds better doest it? No harm trying is there? id try anything to get those contractions! so how many days is it to next thursday? Six? Not too far away..eeekks.

Well, guess i wouldnt know what will happen till it does. all i can say is, whatever means and pain i have to go through, i would definitely do it, for the sake of bringing this precious one into the world.
so wish me luck! :)

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