Saturday, August 05, 2006

as u can see, he's back in business.

the pathetic face and prayers did work after all.

but he didnt keep his promise. not even a teeny, weeny bit.

not only is he tearing magazines and chewing newspaper, he's more active than ever. he's just anywhere n everywhere! according to my very the wise mother 'irfan bayar balik hutang sakit'. he's covering up for the number of hours he has missed playing and making a mess when he was sick last 2 weeks.

and he has also found a new hobby now: CLIMBING!

i couldnt believe my ears when i was told by my mum that he could climb up the dining table on his own until i saw it with my very own eyes. i couldnt believe her too when she told me he got into and out of his walker by himself. UNTIL i saw it with my VERY OWN eyes! i've got it in video somehere. will put it up when i have the time coz i really dunt have the time rite now to wait for the video to be uploaded. poor mak has to keep up with him and stand by his side, guarding him almost all of his waking hours during the weekday. i dunno if all 10mth olds climb as much as he does. and here i was thinking that i could wait for him to turn one year old before i have to worry about him climbing. but i guess im wrong.

they grow up so fast, dunt they?

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