Sunday, November 26, 2006

Irfan and his cuzzins

Almost 2 mths after his birthday, and presents are still coming in. Of course, he doesnt mind it one bit. Always delighted to receive wrapped up gifts, especially those that come in boxes coz, really, he is more fascinated by the boxes than the toy itself.

i have no idea why, but i was assured that this is normal behaviour. so next time, it'd probably be a good idea to give him empty boxes as gifts. save money and he would definitely play with it longer than any other toy.

i think it's easy to make babies happy, much easier than we think. :)

The present is not even opened yet and he's already over the moon!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Time Out corner

I screamed at nenek and wailed my lungs out when nenek took away the ladle I was deliciously biting on.
Ibu got very angry.
Ibu said I have to zip my mouth and sit at the time out chair.

This is what you get for having TEACHERS as parents!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Yesterday marks the end of the school year for the pupils. And yet another batch has moved on from 'my hands'. It's really fun being kids, there are happy most of the time and harbour no grudges towards anyone for long. I had a lot of fun and pleasant memories with them this year and i will miss them. It's funny but i will always remember the naughty ones more than the rest. Although they really do get on my nerves at that moment but when u think back, u just can't help but to laugh at the silly things they do.
so till next year, when another batch will fall into my hands and be at the mercy of my screams and sacrasm. well,as teachers, we cant do much when they make us angry, can we?
anyway, happy holidays to all teachers out there. we really deserve it, dunt we?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Ramdhan and hari raya have quickly flown by since i last stepped into blogger. work is pretty hectic at the moment, but i guess that's nuthing new. just when i tot my workload was up to its maximum, i'm always proven wrong time and time again.
i think ill take some blogger space to talk about work , coz i really need to rant about unhappy things. this is not the best place, i noe, but im the only one talking here, so thats gd.

being the exam i/c all on my own was no joke. doing relief planning at the same time was an even greater headache. we all noe, no teacher likes to do relief. and i have to be the bad guy who approaches teachers to do relief early in the morning for the past two weeks. well this is just some minor 'dirty' work that we 2nd floor people have to do. and the pay doenst even cover a tenth of the stress i have to go through, so dunt even try mentioning it.

i got the good luck of being shouted at by an uncooperative teacher first thing in the morning coz i put her down for relief. that really spoiled my whole day. thank god for supportive and understanding colleagues, we had a good time talking unkind things about her behind her back. that was therapeutic.

some were generally helpful and some others were just faking it. they said they dunt mind helping and then tell the rest of the school that they were unhappy with the relief. u can just say in front of my face, really. i was just getting used to being shouted at. sheesh.

two particular days were really bad coz 10 teachers were not around for each day and i was running around like a mad praying mantis. we were also having exams on those two days and being exam i/c, i was desperate for teachers to invigilate. i wished for many things that particular horrible morning; i wished for the school to be on fire, the pSI index to suddenly rise to 200, a flood to break out, just anything that requires everyone to evacuate from school. basically i just wanted to run away!

ok maybe im exaggerating a bit, but the past 2 weeks was really hectic. aside from that, raya was pretty fun and life is good.

so there. i feel better now. tomorrow is the last day im planning relief and wed would be the last of the exams. im sooooo looking forward to that and not to mention, the dec holidays!! CAnnot waaaittttt!!