Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Im back in NIE after E-learning week last week. Last week, we just had to do online discussions and reflections FROM HOME for the whole week. i really dunno what to hate about this course. well, aside from the travelling of coz.

anyway, last week was a much rested week. i think all these slowing down is turning me into one lazy person and i cannot for the life of me imagine how my life would be like when school really starts for me in Term 3. back to madness, skipped lunches and long hours.

we r now busy preparing for our overseas study trip. my group is going to the phillipines. ?! what luck! we were given a list of countries and had to draw lots. Looking at the kind of luck ive been getting, i wasnt surprised when we didnt have the luck to go NZ and australia, the best two countries on the list. well, then again "best" is subjective.

thr group that is going indonesia ended up going to NZ as well because of the flood and im just praying for something to happen in phillipines just so we could go somehwre else too. hehe. very selfish i noe.

i can list a thousand and one reason why im not keen on this study trip. on the top of my list would definitely be being away from Irfan. how am i going to wave to him at the airport come Mrach? I would be away for the whole one week!! that's the longest i will be leaving him so far.

and then of course, there are the paranoid thoughts of plane rides, Abu Sayaff, guns and a long list of other fears which i am too shy to reveal here. :)
But these paranoid thoughts ae not baseless, hokay!

some said we r lucky to be going phillipines coz, it's not a country u would go to for a hoilday. and if not for opportunity like this, you would never get to see that country.and then there's that beautiful island CEBU, which is a must-see.
it didnt make me feel better.

but go, I must. and march is just round the corner.

and i suspect my bag would be full of instant noodles, canned food instead of clothes coz i heard food is really difficult to get there.

im still trying to psycho the husband to follow me. hehe. i dunt mind phillipines one bit if irfan and husband is around.

oh well.

i will bring mangoes for everyone, though:)

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