Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Today, a Mr Ducat held pre-school students hostage in Manila.
Although I don't agree with the way he did it, but I suppose Im not the only one who has strong feelings about the state of the education system there and how the political arena is responsible for the lives of so many disadvantaged children there.

I can't agree more with him.
Having said that, I'm also quite mad with the fact that he will cause the kids involved to be deeply traumatised. They should not be put through this torture even if it is intended to be for a common good.

Anyway, read more here if you want to

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

5th and final entry
Ok this is the final entry on philipines...

The only reason the pictures are so pretty is not because I'm fantastic with apertures, shutters and f-stops. Neither did I bring the bulky slr with me. Anyway, that belongs to Him.
The reason these shots were captured is simply because i met a certain someone who flew across parts of the ocean to meet me.
someone who landed in cebu at 4am and had to spend the night at a dingy motel, just so he could continue his journey the next morning to the resort Im staying.

2 nights before I left, while I was at beautiful cebu resort(where we stayed), having debrief with my fellow groupmates at the poolbar, my eyes gazed past the pool and i saw a shadow of a familiar frame and the features of a guy I know.
My instincts made me jumped out of my seat, ran to him and almost fell over whilst giving him a big hug.
I totally did not expect to see him.
I was caught by surprise.

I would have fallen for him if not for the fact that I have already done that 9 years ago.

He came at the apt time coz my job was officially over, and the last 2 days was for RnR. Of course, I had to 'abandon' my roomate and joined him for the next two nites. the next few days together, we braved the streets of Cebu on our own, took the jeepneys, walked along the streets,mingled with the locals, patroned the night market and pretended we live our lives that way. That's when he took the photos u saw. We tried to speak very little, playing along with the fact that almost everyone seemed to think we are filipinos, till we open our mouths that is.

the other day was spent quietly at the resort. took the jetski, hanged around the beach and shared with him everything that i have experienced over the last week in Phillipines. I poured out to him about how I felt about my group, the pitiful sight of the lil children, how my views had changed and how piffed I was about the education system there. I must say, I really enjoyed that talk we had.
and of course, our conversation drifted to the lil one back home, whom we both sorely missed.

if there's one thing i remember about the resort we stayed at, it would have to be the bright stars that shine in the night. there were plenty of them and all u have to do to enjoy the night is to pull the beach chair right in front of the sea, lie flat and just watch the zillion bright stars above you. we managed to see some fireworks too. apparently they were having sme kind of celebration at some distant corner of cebu.
for me, it's indeed an unexpected bonus to be spending that special moment with someone u had fantasised being with, just a few days ago.

i shall not bore u with the educational aspects and work-related stuffs which I have learnt. There were so many learning points from team management to leadership and passion.

there were also some memorable moments, funny ones and scary ones( the ghost kinda scary). but what I could not escape from, was the usual reaction of how I young I was and friends we made there guessed that I was at the most, 20. Hah! That's like NINE years younger than what Im supposed to be. A principal of one school even joked that I must have graduated when i was ten years old! of course, I didnt find that funny. I'm just tired from telling everyone that i just LOOK young but Im actually not THAT young. But the fact is, I AM the youngest in my group and always seen as the baby in the group. Well, good and bad I suppose.

I came to philippines with a lot of apprehension and left with a greater understanding of a life I almost forgot about. Sometimes, seeing so little, makes one realize about the basic fundamentals, about things which are really important to our lives. it's good to be woken up like this once in a while, coz 'sleeping' too long can make me too self-absorbed, myopic and confused about what really matters most.

ok. so that's about it. Im glad to be back.

back to work, now.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Religion and culture- Entry 4
Filipinos are mostly Catholics and are strong devotees.
We went to a Church to take a look and here are some of the pics.

They love music a lot. Particularly guitars.


Streets of Phillipines (Entry 3)
Below are the common mode of transportation there; the jeepneys
The roads are filled with colourful jeepneys. It only cost about 20 pesos to ride on it. They are quite a sight there, making the streets look real pretty with their unique designs and bright colours.
There are no specific stops for it, u just have to stand around and they'll stop wherever u r standing. Look at the side of the jeepney to see the places where the jeepney will take u. It's quite an experience riding on one. Some jeepneys can be real crowded that u have to stand at the edge of the jeepney. But due to the crowded traffic and busy streets, normally jeepneys don't go faster than 40km/h.
U seldom see buses there. filipinos normally travel by jeepneys or taxis.

be prepared to be hassled by mobile street vendors. they will try to sell u drinks and titbits.if they know u r tourists, they will be more persistent. for me, i didnt have much of a problem coz many times i was really mistaken for a filipino!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Children of the phillipines.Entry 2(read previous entry)

The twinkle in their eyes

Their innocence

Playing together

Their beauty shining against the light

Bursting with energy


All scruffy and happy.
They look like any of ours, don't they?
Entry 1
Im back from the phillipines.

there's just so much to write. maybe i'll break it up into short posts.

pain is always a good way to wake up this seasoned soul from the comforts of taking our everyday life for granted. looking at poverty eye to eye is one way of instigating that pain.

looking at the children, especially, made me wish there's something I could do to make their life a lil better.
I see lil boys, jus like irfan, running around, all scruffy and barefoot, playing with old cardboards and bricks and surrounded by the dust in the air.
i see boys a lil older, holding out their hands, asking for any amount of pesos they could possibly get.

what makes them different from irfan and other lil children in our country? it's just WHERE they happen to be born, dat's all. i know life isnt fair, but is it stupid of me to wish that it is?

clean up the scruff and dirt, they will look exactly like our children, the enthusiasm, the smiles, the mischief and the twinkle in their eyes.
they are deprived of so much opportunities. it's just not fair.

i keep on asking my colleagues. why cant the phillipines government make education compulsory? isnt it their responsibility to educate each child and provide equal opportunities for all? they might have so much potential in them, buried deep beneath that dirt and scruff on their faces. if only, we could polish them, im sure they shine like the stars. all they need is an opportunity to learn and be taught.

it really makes me sick in the stomach that there are many children all over the world that do not go to school. And sicker to know that some are very close to home. i went home and when i look at irfan, im reminded of the lil children I saw back in phillipines. it's not even a good feeling to feel that we are lucky.

i look at irfan's toys strewn all over the floor and I just get that sick in the stomach feeling again. i think i'll stop now.

Talk is cheap, anyway.

Look at the pictures again and tell me, it doesnt bring you down.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Life is interesting because humans are complicated.
Each of us come with our own strengths and idiocyncrisis. Each of us are unique.
Feelings make human interactions very delicate and challenging.

For those people who are GENUINELY simple and happy-go-lucky, they are easier to please and be pleased.
They are usually good to have around coz they are infectious.
They don't need theories or quotes to behave the way they do.

For others, who TRY to be simple and happy go lucky, life is a constant struggle for them,
They fight a lot of internal battles between their heart and their head.
They know how they should react but they feel the exact opposite.
They feel hatred but they KNOW they should love.
It's a constant struggle that emulates into frustration and confusion.

Should we tell someone that we don't like how they are behaving?
Or do we tell OURSELVES to learn to like how they are behaving?

Do we try to CHANGE others or do we try to CHange ourselves?
Which battle is harder to fight?
Which is a lost battle?

Below are my thoughts:
Below are the lessons Ive learnt.

1) Try to understand others first before you seek to be understood.

2) Listen UNBIASEDLY to the other person. Listen without pre-conceived thoughts and judgements. Listen because you want to understand NOT because you want to find fault with what they say or because you want to prove u r right.

3) Control your feelings. This is a real challenge but if you can, you have risen above yourself. And if you can't, promise yourself, u would, next time.

4)Let out your emotions only to those who are trusted to be your sounding board. We are humans, we need to let out our emotions sometimes. Choose the right people.

5) Feel whatever negativity you want to feel but NEVER translate it into ACTIONS. Once, you react beadly, and people are hurt, it's difficult to take it back.

6) when i remember that death is the only certainty, most things seem so petty and trivial. And some things are just not worth your headache and heartache.

7) pray for strength to control your emotions and the wisdom to know what is worthy of effort.

8) Never think that you can change anyone by TELLIng them to change. No one likes to be told what to do

9)It’s not about trying to CHANGE someone. It’s about bringing out the good side of that person. Everyone has a good side. Everyone

10) You get what you give. If you don’t love, don’t expect love back. You will never get it. If you love, but do not get love back, don’t ask why, don’t compare what u have given, and don’t measure it either.
It just means the other person doenst feel loved from u.

11) Nuthing in life is fair

12) Not everyone will like you.

13) Stop asking why he/she is cruel/disrecpectful/rude/irritating. Ask HOW do I make things better?

As humans, these are not easy things to do but life is a journey.
Be forgiving of others and ourselves.
Accept imperfections and learn from our mistakes

It’s really isn’t that bad.