Sunday, March 04, 2007

Life is interesting because humans are complicated.
Each of us come with our own strengths and idiocyncrisis. Each of us are unique.
Feelings make human interactions very delicate and challenging.

For those people who are GENUINELY simple and happy-go-lucky, they are easier to please and be pleased.
They are usually good to have around coz they are infectious.
They don't need theories or quotes to behave the way they do.

For others, who TRY to be simple and happy go lucky, life is a constant struggle for them,
They fight a lot of internal battles between their heart and their head.
They know how they should react but they feel the exact opposite.
They feel hatred but they KNOW they should love.
It's a constant struggle that emulates into frustration and confusion.

Should we tell someone that we don't like how they are behaving?
Or do we tell OURSELVES to learn to like how they are behaving?

Do we try to CHANGE others or do we try to CHange ourselves?
Which battle is harder to fight?
Which is a lost battle?

Below are my thoughts:
Below are the lessons Ive learnt.

1) Try to understand others first before you seek to be understood.

2) Listen UNBIASEDLY to the other person. Listen without pre-conceived thoughts and judgements. Listen because you want to understand NOT because you want to find fault with what they say or because you want to prove u r right.

3) Control your feelings. This is a real challenge but if you can, you have risen above yourself. And if you can't, promise yourself, u would, next time.

4)Let out your emotions only to those who are trusted to be your sounding board. We are humans, we need to let out our emotions sometimes. Choose the right people.

5) Feel whatever negativity you want to feel but NEVER translate it into ACTIONS. Once, you react beadly, and people are hurt, it's difficult to take it back.

6) when i remember that death is the only certainty, most things seem so petty and trivial. And some things are just not worth your headache and heartache.

7) pray for strength to control your emotions and the wisdom to know what is worthy of effort.

8) Never think that you can change anyone by TELLIng them to change. No one likes to be told what to do

9)It’s not about trying to CHANGE someone. It’s about bringing out the good side of that person. Everyone has a good side. Everyone

10) You get what you give. If you don’t love, don’t expect love back. You will never get it. If you love, but do not get love back, don’t ask why, don’t compare what u have given, and don’t measure it either.
It just means the other person doenst feel loved from u.

11) Nuthing in life is fair

12) Not everyone will like you.

13) Stop asking why he/she is cruel/disrecpectful/rude/irritating. Ask HOW do I make things better?

As humans, these are not easy things to do but life is a journey.
Be forgiving of others and ourselves.
Accept imperfections and learn from our mistakes

It’s really isn’t that bad.

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