Wednesday, November 28, 2007 another year is ending and the holiays are here again. Yes, the much awaited holidays are here. Life is really a cycle..or maybe it's just for me, maybe i really need to do something radical to break this monotony. Sometimes i feel like i should sidestep from the conveyor belt a little and see where I land..but of course, as always Im too chicken for that.

so life goes on as life always does. and im grateful for that. that i must say.
but it's getting a lil monotonous and expected. The year was a hectic one, nothing new to that. i felt like i accelerated at full speed and going at that bullet train speed, i couldnt really see what was in front of me but all i had to do and all i could do was press on and accelerated through the madness. And then end of the year comes, like it always does and I slow down, take a breather only to expect the same tornado to hit me again come january. And life goes on like that.

I sound like im blabbering...and the reason im doing so is coz, the other more sane half of me is away in some jungle, doing his part for the beloved country. so irfan and I are on our own, left to entertain each other and drown our sorrows in elmo dvds and toy cars and trains. We take comfort in each other for these 2 weeks and right now, irfan is asleep so i'm left alone, which as u can see resulted in me blabbering.

irfan is really growing, though i keep forgetting that sometimes. Everyone is bugging me with the 'when is the next one?' question...i suppose it's just human nature. i guess now is a good time, the age gap is ok, and besides im itching for that 3 mths leave. but for some reason i keep putting it off..oh well.. we'll see.

yesterday was our 3 years anniversary, and i kept asking myself, " only three years?" I felt like we've been married forever, ok not forever but maybe 6 years at least? Not sure why I feel this way...anyway, he was in camp, so we couldnt celebrate and i spent the day with irfan, helping him put out imaginary fire from his fire truck and then looked for ants halfway through. exciting huh? actually it's either that or sit down and chat with my mum about family squabbles..oh man, save me from that! I had enufff of analysing and reanalysing one poblms after another with her for the year! at times, I just don't get what the problem is..but basically, evryone wants to think they are right. that is always the case. I dont get why it's so demeaning to be wrong...dont they see that at the end of your life, when you are old, weak and peeing in your own pants, it doesnt even matter! ( sorry for the strong emotions displayed, im just tired of hearing about the mindless squabbles)

orite, i'll continue with that some other time, when im in a bad mood. for now im just counting the days to sat, when he will be back...and he can go look for ants instead. :)

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