Thursday, August 14, 2008


The destination this month is Butterfly Park at Sentosa. According to my mum, he was very fascinated by every single insect he came across with that day. And the guide capitalised on his enthusiasm by making him the guinea pig and putting all sorts of insects on his lil body.

The guide putting a stick insect on his cap.

There's a stick insect on his cap and a grasshopper on his T-shirt.

So far he hasn't been bitten by anything yet, so I think he doesnt know that some insects can be dangerous and painful when they bite.

Well last month, we also celebrated Racial Harmony Day. Since he enjoys dressing up, he chose to go Indian this year. Schools are very on about such celebrations, so as usual, I dusted one of my Racial Harmony Day costumes and put it on. In a few years time, will repeat this top again. :)

Costumes from where else, but good ol' Mustafa!

He also had his National Celebrations in school and I managed to drop by his school to see the chaos and madness of lil toddlers in a celebration mood. They were all over, each doing their own thing and I managed to observe Irfan a lil. He was pretty mild that day and quite well-behaved. I also noticed that he preferred to mix around with older boys...and pretty much ignore the other lil wobbly toddlers.

Moving on...we managed to have a short shopping break to KL. What more can I is always good.:)

Picture doesnt include one driver, one babysitter and one bank teller.They sure make our shopping experience much more comfortable:)

Work has been good lately...been going home before 3 more often and not doing work at home. Well, when managament changes, certain things are bound to be different. So far it has been good and hope it continues...

Till later.

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