Wednesday, August 12, 2009

the much awaited party is over now and the next awaited thing would be Keane concert tomorrow. after that, i forsee things would probably go downhill from there. especially come the 24th, when i step back into reality. haiz..

i must say, i have only one person to thank for the great party- the party planner of coz! when i first engaged her services, i didnt know what to expect. considering her many misadventures; like the creative diaper cake, ambushing people in their homes on their birthdays and many other crazy things..i forsee the party would be colourful. Actually it was her enthusiasm which tells me that the party would be a great one coz she has this 'just do it' manner about her no matter how crazy the idea is. and if things go wrong, she always gets away with it with other words, a total opposite of me, who thinks and worries too much and then does nothing.

so before i know it calls were made to vendors, quotes were given, spreadsheet drawn up and budget done. all waiting for my go. prompt reminders were even given to me, considering she knows me well and how much I love to procrastinate. so in other words i dunt even have to lift my finger, well, except to withdraw cash from the atm and transfer money to vendors:)

the next thing i noe, she had everything ready; the bouncy castle, popcorn, candy floss, ballons, the pretty cake etc etc. i know i will enjoy the party but what surprised me most is that i enjoyed the planning process just as much. yes of course we could have gotten a birthday package where everything is planned for, but where's the fun in that?

discussing the crazy ideas i had, plus the crazy ideas the party planner has and irfan's incoherent ideas- the cheer, the chicken dance- it was just hilarious. getting the last minute stuff, preparing the goody bags, decorating the place; it was an unforgetabble experience indeed. the anticipation and excitement of waiting for the party to happen was fun too. irfan was so excited that he couldnt sleep the night before and he kept talking about the party. and so did the party planner! :)
who knew all that could be pretty exciting.

as for the party itself...sure, there were things which could have gone better. but as far as kids party go, i wouldnt sweat the small stuff. kids parties are how kids parties should be; messy, rowdy, noisy, free play and things not going as planned. and i must say the party planner was pretty daring to go up there n be the mc even if she has never done it before. not everyone is brave enough to do that coz we all know, its always easier to sit back and just give comments.
but of course as the party planner said herself; she sucked! hahahaha.

so our dear rosniaty abu bakar, i just want you to know that you have given one little boy the most memorable 4th birthday party ever! im sure he would remember this for a long long time to come. and he would fondly remember his auntie who was behind everything.
and as a mother, I really cant thank u enough:)

so till the next crazy idea....meanwhile go and practice to be a better mc, will ya!! alisha turns 4 in a few more years, u noe:)

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