Monday, October 26, 2009

Ahhh...*stretches arm*..finally back to the quiet of the good old blog. No human invites, no requests, no live feeds. Just me and my thoughts.

Really sad that my banner and pics are gone from the blog. I have totally forgotten my photobucket password coz it was almost 5 years ago that i logged into it. I have no idea how to retrieve them so for now I have taken down all of photobuckets' banner except a few below. dunno when i can put up a new banner.

i dunt think i can ever bring myself to delete this blog coz there are just too many of my life greatest moments being journaled in here. while fb is more of keeping in touch with friends, over here I can just rant; my favourite thing when im bored and sleepless like tonight. i have no idea who reads this blog other than people I really care about and i dunt really want to know who else would bother to read about boring details of my life.

so anyway, for some reason, i cant seem to fall asleep tonite. tomorrow will be another long and tiring day, that is for sure. alisha and irfan are fast asleep, both having slight cough and runny nose. Alisha was given her first medication just now, a nose drop into her lil nose. i hope her nose will clear, in time for her jab on sat.

other than that theres nothing much to write actually...just that im so looking forward to the hols. as usual we dunt have any concrete plans to go anywhere. in december, with a 5 mth old baby and a 4yr old...where should we go? cold countries would probably be a bad idea..that would probably leave us with aust again..same as last dec? another part perhaps?

i'll sleep on that thought for now. a long day tomorrow. i hope no one is on mc tomorrow. planning relief just now was hope tomorrow is going to be better.

Good night.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Alisha at 5 months


This month's favourite position.
Irfan and Alisha

From the pic above, can u tell who's the one with an attitude?

She's only 5 months but we can already tell, they are poles apart. If they remain in character till they become teenagers, then i probbaly can guess which one of them will most likely give me a heart attack. heh:)

Friday, October 09, 2009

a conversation with a P2 boy

boy: teacher, I bring my car key everyday.
(holds it up to show me)

me: your car key? u mean your parents'? how are they going to drive today?

boy: its dad gave it to me. my mum drives a mercedes and my dad drives a honda. this toyota is mine.

me: okay...err...but u cant drive.

boy: yes thats true so I just parked it at home.

an 8 year old with a car? even this king doesnt own one!!

anyway, this one enjoys dressing up. he is still enthusiastic abt such as to not kill his enthusiasm, we went to look for something that could fit the fairytale theme the school was having. as usual, we started panicking at 8pm the night before, just as the shops were closing. so thank god for good ol mustafa!

Friday, October 02, 2009

alisha's first raya

its the lil girl first raya and our first time lugging two kids around, from one house to another. thank god irfan is four and runs off with other kids most times. But still, it was extremely tiring.....i was all sticky, rimas and hot. and having to carry alisha around, made me feel so tired. compared to irfan, this girl knows what she likes and doesnt and demands things to be done her way. she likes to be carried only in a certain way, and creates a fuss when she wants to sleep. she needs to be changed, held in the right way, rocked to the right rhythm and the surrounding has to be cool enough for her. now that is definitely not easy to put together when you are at someone's house, sometimes sharing the house with abt 20 other people. the noise, the heat makes alisha squirm to no end, twisting and turning her body in my arms. and im in baju kurung, hot and bothered holding an equally hot and bothered baby. that sounds tiring isnt it. and this girl picks and chooses the people she wants. if she is ok with you, you can carry her and she will be fine, but if for some reason she is scared of you, she will scream on top of her lungs. so its not easy just to pass her around when im near fainting.

For the following pics, dont be fooled by my smile..

An overactive boy and a sticky chewy chocolate baby...i was feeling hot beyond words.

Her favourite position; upright and her feet going thump thump thump on my lap..i hear my bones breaking.

the overactive boy hugging me tight whilst im carryinng the lil one. i felt like a tree right about there. except im not so steady and can be uprooted easily. luckily i was barefoot. boleh balance sikit.

so this year, ive thrown the accessories, the tiny cek-kak bag, the careful makeup and the heels out of the window. im so sure that if im wearing heels, its just a matter of time before i trip and tumble in my kain whilst carrying alisha. accessories will just mean having alisha all over it as she pulls and directs them to her salivating mouth. i can just imagine. makeup is basically more concealor than anything else. no point putting much effort there, coz im sure before i even step into the first house, i would be totally drenched in sweat and my makeup will just dissolve in my berminyak face. so why waste time right?

but one thing i like doing is dressing alisha up....oh that i like! thanks to gifts frm kind friends and relatives, she has so many pretty dresses waiting to be worn. and i just cannot tahan looking at how cute they all wondering if all the dresses and hairband im putting on her are the reasons which make her extra fussy and uncomfortable..but then again, i really cant help myself! sometimes i tengok dia pun i rimas, ngan dress all...but the next time we go visiting, i still dress her up. why ah... why??

well, tomorrow is another round of mass house visiting. another round of lugging her from one house to another. already feeling rimas right about now.

Notice how happy she is when we are heading home! we are with you, girl! Home, home home..we'd be looking forward to that too tomorrow.

ok till later!!