Saturday, February 13, 2010

I was in a bad mood. And I knew it wasn't a good time to sit with irfan to do his writing.but I did. I raised my voice, made him repeat writing the letter many times and even told him if he is not interested he can close his book. What did he do? Sat quietly, looked at me and held his pencil feverishly. But I showed no mercy, I'm crazy that way. I think he was quite stressed out coz suddenly he couldn't write the letter a. His strokes were wrong which made me even frustrated and him even more stressed out. He had never seen me this way and he didn't even dare to budge. He tried and tried but kept getting it wrong. At the back of my mind, i knew it's pointless scolding coz it's emotional and not constructive and no way he's going to learn with the way I'm teaching today. No fun, no games, no encouragement but just me telling him how terrible he is for not knowing when he has written it a million times. He tried again got it wrong again. And I was just mad mad mad.he looked at me. I scowled at him.
And finally, he looked up at me and said this, ever so calmly;
" I am trying my best ibu."
he then carefully moved his lil fingers to write the letters again.
Guilt surrounded me and I became speechless. His words hung in the air for the longest time as i looked at him trying to control his fingers while he keeps glancing at the examples i have written out for him. I didn't know what to say. I wondered where he had learnt those words. To express himself simply and truthfully. To remain calm even when I must have shattered his confidence for a while there. I would have expected him to at whine in protest when I told him to repeat and repeat again. But he didn't.
I immediately calmed down. He looked so kesiannn.
I was really unreasonable that day. And i must say he handled the situation much better than me. Note to self: never let this happen again!

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