Saturday, September 03, 2011

Friday prayers for abang and a haircut for adik

Brand new jubah for Friday prayers, courtesy of Atok and Nenek :)

My best buds from secondary school would probably remember how i frequently cut my own hair back in secondary school days. No hassle, no money wasted, all I had to do was hold on to the ends and cut them off! haha! so kental right? I know. 

Of course those days are long over. Now with more purchasing power and hair that requires more attention other than cutting, I have to resort to the expert to ensure that my hair looks somewhat presentable.

But how can i let my talent and skill go to waste right? whose the lucky one to get a free haircut, u ask? The lil mak nenek, of course!

She trust me with her whole life, so what's a haircut rite? So she sat in the middle of the toilet, all still and   put her trust in my rusty pair of hands.:) 

And TADA!!

Haha! Nothing major lah, just cutting off her fringe. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can do:) 

So this time, she got herself pretty bangs, looking much neater than her 'momok' look, as my daddy calls it.  And now, I could choose not to let her wear hair clips which sickeningly keeps falling off anyway! 

Im already itching to try trimming the back. 

Maybe give her a short bob to go with the bangs, u think? ;)

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