Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Please stop!

Stop shouting at my baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do I say this nicely?

And he's learning to shout too, at 2 months!!! Come on, he's not deaf. He will be if this goes on!

Monday, October 08, 2012

Wake me up when Spetember ends

As always, September is a  month of celebration. So all that depressing entries are just mere memories of a thing of the past. PooF! Out of the window they go! Im relieved and i guess so are you.:)

My dear firstborn turned 7 on the 20th. I lost track of how many times a birthday song was sung to him this year and how many times he had blown the candles out for his birthday. So i tell him, he's indeed lucky to be surrounded by so many people who love him.

The first cake. An early birthday surprise at my sis's place together with his much loved uncles, aunties and cousins.

I remember when i was young, there was a particular year when my brother prepared a treausre hunt for me to find my own present. He hid clues at different places in my house and I remember feeling so ecstatic about finding my present. he even hid one clue in a pipe and I had to turn on the tap and the clue popped out all soggy and wet. In the end my present was a transformer. I dont remember if i enjoyed playing with transformers when I was young or he had bought it mre for himself .
Anyway, so i decided to recreate that moment for my dear son. He woke up early that day and I gave him his first clue.He was just as excited as I was!! Alisha helped of coz and in the end he found his pressie. We told him that this lil pressie was from Alisha.

He immediately fixed his pressie and it was ready in no time! Happy birthday boy!!

We had dinner at fish and co paragon and the staff sang Irfan a birthday song. We gave him his present. A pair of Heelys. Our wish: He'll never grow too cool for a goofy hat like that!

Because it's his birthday, we let them have a good time at Paragon's playground even though it was a schoolday tomorrow.
Wide awake at 9pm, all excited to go to the playground on a weekday.

The next day, we had dinner with Alim's parents at Swensen's and he got to blow his cake again and we sang for him for the 100th time. 

and over the weekend we managed to catch Cat in the Hat play, one of our favourite night reads. I was super excited. We enjoyed the show very much and already bought tickets fo the next upcoming play, Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. Coincidentally, that's irfan read for now so he is super excited too.

We had a lot of fun this Sepetember, like we always do. Now September has ended, and that means a month closer to my dreaded end of maternity leave:(

I'm going to miss hanging out with the kids at home. Till later, bye for now!

Saturday, October 06, 2012

My first music lesson

I've always wanted to learn to play a musical instrument of some sort since I was young. I've always admired those who could play one, they look so effortless and easy. I am always convinced that I am tone deaf coz I could never memorise notes or knew where to place my fingers.

I wished I had picked it up very early in my life but my parents never had the means to enrol me in a class and music was definitely very low or even non existent in their priority list.. which I totally understand.

Some people don't have to attend any official music lessons and they just self taught themselves. They just pick up an instrument and learn on their own. I find this amazing. I'm definitely not capable of that when it comes to music. I wish I could though.

I used to also daydream about performing on stage, with a cool band and I play the guitar and sing. Haha. So funny. Of coz, that didn't happen.

Now 34 years later, I sat in my first Yamaha music lesson learning the solfege on the electone with my son! I think I was more excited than he was! So there i was in a junior electone class for 7 year olds, all wide eyed and eager to learn! I knew as much as the 7 year olds or even lesser perhaps. Everything was new to me. Yes that was how little I knew about music but oh well, my policy is its never too old to learn anything and there's no shame in admitting how lil you know.

I had a good time and I hope irfan did too. I can already see that it's just going to get tougher coz one needs total focus and concentration to coordinate what we hear and then move our fingers to play. It also requires irfan to listen attentively to the tune, to focus on his fingering and to keep practicing to get better. Irfan is still getting used to the feel of the keyboard, the reading of the notes and so am I!

We were told to practice at home. I'm afraid i can't really guide him much coz I am learning as well and I probably teach him the wrong stuff. Haha.

I hope through the lessons, he not only
learn to play the electone but also to develop better concentration, coordination and perseverance to practice and practice which he can apply in everything else in his life. For me, I always think its character before content.

I just hope I don't kill his interest by turning this into a "must practice", "must do well" thing which I'm already doing with his school work. So I really need to relax and let him enjoy the music. The tests are optional anyway. That's also one of the reasons we didn't put him in an intensive piano lesson. This class is supposed to be a fun thing for him.

But for me, I will practice for sure. Heh I can be kiasu that way. And I know when it comes to music, I am not smart enough to learn it once so I need the practice. Right now I'm practicing more than him. Haha.

But that will probably change when work starts for me. We'll see:)

Till later, have a wonderful week everyone.

I hope I will!:):)

Monday, October 01, 2012

A date with Russian Red

A lovely end to September.
Taking a short break from being a 🐮to have a date with a boy and Russian Red.

I'm a happy girl and ready to resume my moo moo duties!:)