Sunday, April 27, 2014

The holy land, the land of miracles 1

I haven't really written much. Tonight I'm going to write about my trip. It cannot end in one entry. There's just too much to share. This will be the first of many. I am going to talk about every miracle in the trip. Miracles which were sometimes disguised as a setback. Miracles which took my breath away. In awe. In amazement of HIS perfect plan. And there were too many. Let's begin with some.


After the immense feeling of gratitude upon receiving the letter that we were given the opportunity to go to that one place we have been yearning to go for the longest time, one by one the doors opened for us.

We packed our bags, kissed everyone goodbye with tears in our eyes but our hearts were at total peace and completely ready to go.

The plane was about to take off when it didn't, lost speed and came to a sudden halt. That was to be out first test. After some drama, involving firefighters and panic reactions, we had to leave the plane and it was delayed for 7 hours.

Alhamdullilah it didn't feel like a test at all because our airport was comfortable and self sufficient. We ate, sat and talked. For Alim and I, we actually relished this moment together because we never really had the opportunity to chill at the transit area of our first class airport without running around after little kids. We had coffee, talked and took in the airport music even...Something we never quite get to hear with the little ones around. So while it might seem like a long wait for the rest, we took in the atmosphere knowing these moments are pretty rare for us.

When it did finally take off, we left without our luggages because they had to remove all luggages and cargo from the plane as they found something suspicious in one of the bags and everything had to be examined again.
Hours later, we reached Jeddah airport with just our hand luggage and without our main luggage. First lesson learnt: we really do not need much to last the days. We just managed with whatever little we have and surprisingly it wasnt so difficult at all. We bought some necessities but luckily for me, I packed everything I really needed in my hand luggage.

Our luggages came 5 days later.
Because of this delay, 2 miracles happened. (first 2 of many in this journey) To be honest, this journey was so full of miracles that it brings tears to my eyes everytime I think about it. Subhanallah, HE really made everything easy for us, in such miraculous ways that my gratitude can never suffice. There was nothing that was not perfectly laid out for us. I'm just so choked with emotions thinking about it, even now.

It so happens that we left our main luggage key at home and forgot to bring it with us. We realized this when we were already at changi airport and there's no way we could go back and take it. We were prepared to break the lock or the luggage upon reaching our hotel. However because our luggages were delayed, I managed to get my brother to send the key to the hajj personnel in singapore who will be coming with all our luggages 5 days later. So my key came with my luggage and we didn't have to break anything. The mysterious way things work. True story of a silver lining.

Secondly, because our flight was delayed, we reached Jeddah later and the crowd had cleared. We were prepared and warned before our trip that the wait at Jeddah will usually take more than 10 hours before we can board the bus and get to our hotel as the airport staff there usually take a long time to process our passports. The airport wasnt exactly comfortable but we were prepared to be patient. Because we were delayed, we were cleared less than 4 hours. Alhamdullilah. None of this would have been possible without HIM. The miracles didn't stop here.

I have heard so many horror stories about how people cannot get along with their room mates. How squabbles and fights happen all the time between roommates. I was prepared for the worst. I was prepared to be patient, calm and accept all the challenges that were to come my way.

Before I left, I was unsure how I would cope alone. Alim will be mostly with the men. What if I wasn't sure what to do? I was afraid actually. The only way to curb my worry was to pray. I prayed hard that i would meet at least one person I could click with.

But by HIS grace, I was put together with 4 most wonderful, amazing people. It was almost unbelievable. They took care of me like their own sister and daughter. 2 were much older while the other 2 was around my sister's age. In fact, when i planned to register, i wished my sister or mum could go with me. I was bent on having another lady from my family because I thought I will be alone in the mosque without company and I feared the thought of that.
Unfortunately both my mum and sister could not make it.

However HE sent me sisters and mothers of no relation but equally caring. In fact one of the sisters name was the same of my sis. And she was one of the four angels in my room. What a coincidence!

When I was sick, they brought food up to my room for me and made me hot drink. One of them gave me a massage even. They kept a spot for me in the prayer hall when I was late. They washed some of my laundry for me just because they were washing theirs and saw mine unwashed. I felt like the luckiest girl on the planet. One laundry less. Woohoo!! One of the makcik was really good and fond of sewing. She shortened the abaya I had bought because it was too long. She brought her whole sewing kit, her own iron, her whole medicine cabinet, with minyak kapak, all kinds of lozenges, she had everything. Super makcik I call her. They guided me when I was unsure what to do. They reminded me when I was forgetful. They look out for me ALL the time. Once they thought i was lost and hunted for me all over the place. They woke me up for night prayer when I was too sleepy. I returned the favour. We helped each other and shared our stories. We became close. They were my guardian angels! It was comforting to have people who look out for me and cared about me when I'm surrounded by strangers at a faraway land. Best of all, they were funny, particularly one sister who always call me "budak kecik". I guess that's probably why they feel like they needed to protect me. Haha.

That's one of the biggest miracle for me. My prayers were answered. I was at ease and no longer afraid.

I shall end here for now. Another day for another story of another miracle. May we all appreciate what we have for none of these are ours to be begin with.

Good night:)

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