Saturday, May 27, 2006

Home Made Jokes

So in the car yesterday, the dear husband told me a joke. u see, jokes coming from him are usually silly, self composed ones which usually leaves me either tak faham langsung or half amused.
But this one, I just got to give it to him!! It left me laughing in stitches. KWAWWAHHAHAHHAA!!

I'm not sure if it has the same effect when it's written out like this, but it was damn funny when it was told by him! HHHAHAA!!

Ok, satu hari Doraemon tengah jalan jalan, then dia terjumpa Hello Kitty. Doraemon berkata, "Hi Kitty!"
Hello Kitty buat bodoh aje.
Ok kenapa Hello Kitty tak jawab?

(thinks for a while) sebab nama dia 'Hello Kitty' bukan "Hi Kitty" !!!!! (I was pretty excited with my answer coz i tot it was quite the clever~~)

Pasal Hello Kitty takde MULUT!!!!!!! KWAWAKWAWKAWAAAA!!!

KWAKAWAKWAAAAA!!! ya ya this time funny funny!!

Ok lah, so Hello Kitty sedih sebab dia takde mulut. So dia pun jahit sebentuk mulut kat muka dia. The next day, dia terjumpa Doraemon lagi. Sebab Hello Kitty skarang dah ada mulut, Hello Kitty cakap to Doraemon, " Hello Doraemon!" .
Doraemon buat bodoh aje.
Ok kenapa si Doraemon tak jawab?

(pause for a while to think)
Sebab Doraemon tak faham English. Dia cuma tau cakap Jepun! (quite clever rite my answer~~:)

Bukan!(burst out laughing even before he could complete his sentence)
Doraemon takde TELINGA!!!!! KWWAKWAKWAWAWAWA!!!!!!


Sometimes it makes me wonder what is REALLLY going on in that lil, unassuming brain of his!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Standing Short

eversince he pulled himself up to stand at 6 mths, there was no turning back.
the 7th month was all about standing up; with boths holding on to something, with one hand and with no hands, just the belly leaning against a table.
he has bumped his head countless times and i suppose that didnt stop him from making use of his feet to stand; a new discovery for him as opposed to chewing on his toes. he has finally learnt that feet isnt meant for chewing but for an even greater all in the house has to be more vigilant now. we've each had some great saves but unfortunately, there were some moments when he escaped our eyes and ended up wailing with a prized bump on the forehead.

the cot had to be lowered for obvious reasons.

it must have been sheer satisfaction when he managed to grab those darn mobiles that have been teasing him from up there for many many months. For 7mths he struggled to grab it while the fish and the crab and their friends turned round n round to that irritating music. AHHH...FINALLY!!!

and so with his new skill learnt, this is how i spent my hours after work,

getting ready to catch his fall, at the slightest signal of his wobbly butt and knees caving in.

Im not sure I'm looking forward to him walking. hehe

for more stories, if this hasnt bore you already, go here

now with all his developments charted on this blog, I wouldnt be stumped anymore when the next mother i meet in the nursery room ask me when my baby started turning over, crawling, stand up. I must have sounded like an incompetent mother when i stammered each time to come up with the exact mth. As excited as I am about his developments, I dunt think it matters if he crawled or walk at 8mths or 18mths and i dunt quite get it why it matters to some out there. 5, 10, 28 years from now, it wouldnt matter and no one would bother. has anyone asked you recently when you started crawling?!!! according to my mum i started walking at 10 mths, but hey look at me, I'm no genius am I? So let those poor babies develop at their own pace. their schedules are already packed with practice, practice and more practice. slowly but surely they will learn what they are supposed to. :)

Friday, May 19, 2006

Irfan is turning 8 mths tomorrow. his 8 mths have been jam packed with modules after modules of achieving one development after another. I realize babies are really busy beings; so much skills to learn, to perfect. and the amazing thing is we dunt have to teach them anything, just sit back, provide a conducive but guided environment and beamed in pride and excitement over their accomplishments.

before i start forgetting all these; here's a recap:

At 1 mth old. So tiny and definitely immobile.

At 3 mths. Started turning over. The beginning of his mobility and disappearing acts.The ceiling is no longer his only view. Now the floor will be his new fascination.

At 4 mths. Lifts chest of ground. On all fours, butt moving forward and backward but still stationary. Glides using stomach and legs to move around.
Gets stuck everywhere and end up at the oddest of places.

At 5mths. Irfan started crawling. So did all of us. shadowing behind him, shouted in alarm at the slightest signal of him going to fall forward, faced squashed to the ceramic tiles. he mastered it soon after, as we panted to keep up, especially irfan's grannies.

At 5 mths still, started sitting up without support. Finally, got a view of his toys and the world around him from a different perspective.

At 6mths, he sat and crawled confidently. starting pulling himself up to stand. and his cot shrinked into half as he realised he has indeed grown into a little giant. captivated by the new view from his cot.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

ok let's try a lil video here...
watch for ureself how irfan laughs..
premiering nur irfan alim in video; moving and alive, laughing like a drunken hyena for a full 1 minute.

apparently, he finds a bean bag fallling from my dad's head very funny. an old man, balancing a bean bag on his head, then repeatedly nodding his head to make the bean bag fall...yeah that's pretty hilarious!

Monday, May 01, 2006


"When I'm feeling blue,

All I have to do...

Is take a look at YOU...

..then I'm not so blue..."