Friday, May 19, 2006

Irfan is turning 8 mths tomorrow. his 8 mths have been jam packed with modules after modules of achieving one development after another. I realize babies are really busy beings; so much skills to learn, to perfect. and the amazing thing is we dunt have to teach them anything, just sit back, provide a conducive but guided environment and beamed in pride and excitement over their accomplishments.

before i start forgetting all these; here's a recap:

At 1 mth old. So tiny and definitely immobile.

At 3 mths. Started turning over. The beginning of his mobility and disappearing acts.The ceiling is no longer his only view. Now the floor will be his new fascination.

At 4 mths. Lifts chest of ground. On all fours, butt moving forward and backward but still stationary. Glides using stomach and legs to move around.
Gets stuck everywhere and end up at the oddest of places.

At 5mths. Irfan started crawling. So did all of us. shadowing behind him, shouted in alarm at the slightest signal of him going to fall forward, faced squashed to the ceramic tiles. he mastered it soon after, as we panted to keep up, especially irfan's grannies.

At 5 mths still, started sitting up without support. Finally, got a view of his toys and the world around him from a different perspective.

At 6mths, he sat and crawled confidently. starting pulling himself up to stand. and his cot shrinked into half as he realised he has indeed grown into a little giant. captivated by the new view from his cot.

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