Sunday, January 28, 2007

so last fridday, i was late for class again.
its weird that nothing ever changes.

anyway, it was the taxi driver's fault.
driving at 60 km/h! even if i go out at 6am, it probably wouldnt make a difference.
my classes are usually at 9am, and it usually cost me 25 bucks to get to school.
imagine that!
so it really pisses me off when i get a tortoise for a taxi driver.

finally, when i did reach sch, it was already 9.05am.
and i had to climb the Batu Caves staircase up to my class.
NIE is full of those. arghhh!!

by the time, i finally reached class, it was 9.15am!!!!
i was catching my breath, panting and gasping for air.
the moment i stepped in, everyone turned and stared at me, the tutor included.
so much for entering discreetly and making special effort to turn the door knob as silently as i possibly could.

" so, miss, are you ready to share your thoughts on what u expect from this module?"
alamak, blum sempat letak bag pun.
I couldnt find my voice.

those around me tried to explain what the tutor was asking.
i understand english perfectly fine, thank u very much.
my only problem was, i didnt even know the title of the module!!!!
it was our first lesson for the module and i had no idea what it was about.

"errr...i dunno wat to say....errr..i want to learn how to assess my programmes?" i finally said.

stupid answer.
coz halfway thru the lesson, i relise the module had absolutely NUTHING to do with that.

great. just great.
later on, the tutor came over to me and said
"u look like u left ure thoughts on the bus just now."

at this point, i was getting irritated and really badly wanted to tell him how i actually took the freaking cab, and not the bus, which cost me 25 bucks and still late sumore
coz the driver was a dying snail!
and how even my grandmother can drive faster than the snail cab driver.
and how my legs shivered and quivered, like jelly when i was climbing up the 120 sumthing steps to class.
and how i would appreciate it if he(the tutor) could just stop talking and leave me alone rite now!

but i didnt.
coz im supposed to be the calm and collected sort.
and creating drama is just not my thing
so i smiled and resorted to cursing him under my breath.

n i vowed to come 15 mins ealy next week.
u think can?

Friday, January 19, 2007

Irfan was discharged last Tuesday.
Thank God for that.
I think the nurses at KK pun sujud syukur..
one less maniac patient, bulldozing down the hospital corridors

He is home now, back to his usual tak tau diam self.
but im not complaining.

anyway, im here now, sitting at NIE library, finishing up on commenting on the hundreds of threads in the blackboard.
i find the shorter entries more interesting, i dunno whether anyone bother reading the long ones. so im keeping my comments short n sweet.

and sitting here all alone, with the lappie and music, some memories are fast flooding my mind. NIE sure does have some good memories.
i was dating the last time i was here.
and that itself, made the whole world felt so much different; brighter and chirpier.

but of coz, the one memory that stood out starkly from my mind, was being locked up right here in the library with my , back then, boyfriend, but now, husburnt lah.
well it was a pretty long story, but to cut it short, they closed the library without checking if anyone was still around.
apparently, we were not the only two goons inside, two other people later emerged from some corner and together,
we found ourselves face to face with a locked door and shutters.

the empty libary was still brightly lit, thank god.
but it felt like the movies, where we were transported into some other time zone where other people just disappeared from the face of the earth.
so silent. so empty.

come to think of it, i cant remember now, how we got out. yahh..must ask him later.
but we did in the end.
brought to the security room or sumthin and had our matriculation cards checked, blah blah.
the boyfren wasnt even in NIE then, and was found out.
the guard took that as a way to turn the tables and made it an issue,
when we were the ones, who were wrongfully locked up. cheh!

well, it was quite funny
and so, with that memory and a few others, i do have fond memories of this place.

and now that im back here as a student again,
i sometimes forget that im going home to my own place and a son waiting at home.
and that im not meeting the boyfrien after this and going out for a movie, or town or dinner.
coz that's pretty much the memory associated with this place.

well anyway,
till later....

Monday, January 15, 2007

Grey days

Irfan is in hospital.
Tonite will be our third nite there.
He has bronchiolitis.
We r home to bathe, get changed and grab new clothes.
My parents are taking over the shift for a while.

He isn't as active as usual, but he isnt weak either.
When he is up and about, he'd be doing his rounds, tormenting other patients with his non stop loud chatter.
Other than that, he takes his naps, sits in his cot, fiddling with his toys.
He is not feeding well but his wheezing is not as bad anymore.
He still manages to keep us entertained, in between heavy breathing and wheezing.

We hope he gets better soon.
To come home with us.
So that his toys at home won't look hauntingly still anymore.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Lonely no more

When you are bored and lonely, you just have to make new friends.

hey,are u a girl or a boy?

Friday, January 12, 2007



someone's bored and lonely tonite. daddy's not around to play ball and goof around with.

tonite, it's just u and me.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Random Thoughts

1) Beginning next week, till may,, I'd be a student again. It's a refreshing change, good to break the routine of being a teacher. I'm looking forward to assignments, discussions and some mind exercise. And more time with irfan, I hope.

2) I have some constant in my life.The ones who r always in my life, no matter which year ends and begins. The ones that has been in my life so long, that they see me as I am and never ask for more. Although sometimes i underestimate the importance of my presence,which makes me absent most of the time, im thankful that they are still around. We don't talk often but when we do meet up, nuthing seemed to have changed. The familiarity is what i find comforting. All of us married, some with kids and looking forward to seeing 'the family' getting bigger.

3)On to another set of constant in my life. they have seen me at my worst and very seldom at my best. and yet, they remained. they forgive and truly forget. and they have always supported me in whatever means they are capable of. I hope I have done the same for them too.

4) and there are others I'm still getting to know. so far, i see them as a blessing. In a short while, they have given me so much. And around them, it's hard for me to be at my worst.

5) and of course, there's my best friend. the one who i turn to for every lil thing that happens in my life, both the good and the bad. someone to speak with, about everything, anything and nothing, without having to worry about being judged or misunderstood. The one who can live with my huge fallacies, laziness and failed attempts to be better. N being in the same profession, makes us even closer than before. For that, i m thankful.

6) and then, there's that lil precious diamond that gives us the added sparkle to our life. the one that lights up our days every single day, the one that we would do anything for. that's about the only big responsibility we r ever so glad to have.

There are so many people I love in my life. I just hope at some point, they do realise that.
Coz i think I'm quite lousy when it comes to showing it.