Sunday, January 28, 2007

so last fridday, i was late for class again.
its weird that nothing ever changes.

anyway, it was the taxi driver's fault.
driving at 60 km/h! even if i go out at 6am, it probably wouldnt make a difference.
my classes are usually at 9am, and it usually cost me 25 bucks to get to school.
imagine that!
so it really pisses me off when i get a tortoise for a taxi driver.

finally, when i did reach sch, it was already 9.05am.
and i had to climb the Batu Caves staircase up to my class.
NIE is full of those. arghhh!!

by the time, i finally reached class, it was 9.15am!!!!
i was catching my breath, panting and gasping for air.
the moment i stepped in, everyone turned and stared at me, the tutor included.
so much for entering discreetly and making special effort to turn the door knob as silently as i possibly could.

" so, miss, are you ready to share your thoughts on what u expect from this module?"
alamak, blum sempat letak bag pun.
I couldnt find my voice.

those around me tried to explain what the tutor was asking.
i understand english perfectly fine, thank u very much.
my only problem was, i didnt even know the title of the module!!!!
it was our first lesson for the module and i had no idea what it was about.

"errr...i dunno wat to say....errr..i want to learn how to assess my programmes?" i finally said.

stupid answer.
coz halfway thru the lesson, i relise the module had absolutely NUTHING to do with that.

great. just great.
later on, the tutor came over to me and said
"u look like u left ure thoughts on the bus just now."

at this point, i was getting irritated and really badly wanted to tell him how i actually took the freaking cab, and not the bus, which cost me 25 bucks and still late sumore
coz the driver was a dying snail!
and how even my grandmother can drive faster than the snail cab driver.
and how my legs shivered and quivered, like jelly when i was climbing up the 120 sumthing steps to class.
and how i would appreciate it if he(the tutor) could just stop talking and leave me alone rite now!

but i didnt.
coz im supposed to be the calm and collected sort.
and creating drama is just not my thing
so i smiled and resorted to cursing him under my breath.

n i vowed to come 15 mins ealy next week.
u think can?

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