Friday, January 05, 2007

Random Thoughts

1) Beginning next week, till may,, I'd be a student again. It's a refreshing change, good to break the routine of being a teacher. I'm looking forward to assignments, discussions and some mind exercise. And more time with irfan, I hope.

2) I have some constant in my life.The ones who r always in my life, no matter which year ends and begins. The ones that has been in my life so long, that they see me as I am and never ask for more. Although sometimes i underestimate the importance of my presence,which makes me absent most of the time, im thankful that they are still around. We don't talk often but when we do meet up, nuthing seemed to have changed. The familiarity is what i find comforting. All of us married, some with kids and looking forward to seeing 'the family' getting bigger.

3)On to another set of constant in my life. they have seen me at my worst and very seldom at my best. and yet, they remained. they forgive and truly forget. and they have always supported me in whatever means they are capable of. I hope I have done the same for them too.

4) and there are others I'm still getting to know. so far, i see them as a blessing. In a short while, they have given me so much. And around them, it's hard for me to be at my worst.

5) and of course, there's my best friend. the one who i turn to for every lil thing that happens in my life, both the good and the bad. someone to speak with, about everything, anything and nothing, without having to worry about being judged or misunderstood. The one who can live with my huge fallacies, laziness and failed attempts to be better. N being in the same profession, makes us even closer than before. For that, i m thankful.

6) and then, there's that lil precious diamond that gives us the added sparkle to our life. the one that lights up our days every single day, the one that we would do anything for. that's about the only big responsibility we r ever so glad to have.

There are so many people I love in my life. I just hope at some point, they do realise that.
Coz i think I'm quite lousy when it comes to showing it.

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