Saturday, July 28, 2007


Irfan is turning two. He has been ready for school for a long time now.
The confines of our tiny house and the company of my parents is just not enough for him anymore. His mind is just waiting to be stimulated. And for us, we really believe the earlier he goes to school, the better it is for his development.

I realize, Im fussy about school. That's about the only reason why he isnt in school earlier. Which brand of education is gd for him? Montessori? Music and Art? Secular + religious, drama, play? a bit of everything?

It's only a 3 hour playskool, and yet im already thinking so much. If possible, i would want a closer look at their curriculum, themes and how well the various skills are integrated into their themes. And the reading porgramme! That's important to me! so u see, Im really fussy. During our visits to some playskools, I've asked so many questions. about this n dat..Looks like im turning out to be the nightmare parent whom i so want to avoid in school as a teacher myself! OH_OH! :0

Nanti dah masuk primary 1 macam mana agaknyer eh?

I have sooo many considerations, but If i were to choose, I would look for a really engaging teacher who can bring characters in a book come alive and make every other mundane thing look so interesting! I think that's extremely important for a lil kid with a constantly restless mind and itchy fingers. Just someone who can capture his limited attention would already be good.

His daddy just wants him to go to school so that he can be disciplined and follow a certain routine in a school setting rather than be home and watch Harry Potter or drive my mum insane with his non-stop activities.

He's such a Harry Potter fan, one of the youngest, perhaps? Macam paham ajer tengok Harry Potter. He can sit quiely for over 2 hours watching the whole thing, without moving an inch, mouth agape, all wide-eyed. The picture of Harry Potter and company on the CD cover is enough to make him squeal in delight and clapping his hands enthusiastically. Recently he has repeatedly taken my mum's sayur serai from the kitchen, held the bottom end in his hand and pointed it to us, made the sound of an explosion and squealed, "API". It took us a while to realise that the serai was indeed his magic wand.

For his daddy, that's a signal for him to go to school and make better use of his free time.

So come August, he will go to 3 hour playschool. I'm really excited about it! I just hope he would enjoy school and be as engaged in school as he is, watching Harry Potter.

Can't wait to see how he would behave in school. Can't wait to see how the teachers would react to his antics. That should be fun!

Yes teacher, Im listening to you..

See, Im not eating the clay. Im rolling it into a snake.

I will remember to draw on paper. No floor, no wall, no floor, no wall. ok ok I get it.

I'd be good. I promise.
Goodbye Harry Potter. Im starting on my own adventure.

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