Thursday, August 02, 2007

I can't wait for national day to be over. That would mean I have one major task to strike off from my 'to-do'list this year. I am in charge of National Day this year and it's my school's tradition to have entrepreneurship day on the same day too. And we didnt employ any vendor this year so I had to come up with the training booklet and look into the logistics and all that stuffs..which is giving me major headache and makes me wonder time n time again, WHYYY exactly am I doing all these?!

im feeling more and more like an events manager these days. maybe i should change my profession. do they earn more?

so im really looking forward to 8th August, 12pm, when the whole entrepreneurship day cum national day would be over. and then the looooong weekend!! yes I can't wait!
I just need the break to REST!

And on to something random- THE CURE didnt quite cure my 'blues' away last nite. But for a while, it did take my mind away from some unnecessary thoughts.

Irfan really surprises me sometimes. Opening the door as I reach home from work and seeing him just brightens up my day, no matter how shitty I felt just minutes before that. It's amazing how being tiny and cute has that effect on people. Today, when I got back from work, as usual I asked my mum, "Irfan naughty tak?!" My mum was busy watchin some filipino drama serial and so as expected, she ignored me. Instead the lil twerp answered, "POK POK" and showed his hand. Ok let me translate that to you. It means someone hit his hand. So I asked my mum, "Mak pukul tangan dia tadi eh?" Of course I had to ask her 2 or 3 times coz, like I said she was engrossed in her filipino drama. When she finally heard my question, she was quite shocked and asked how did I know. True enuf she did coz Irfan was being naughty. He actually threw his toy fishing rod out of the window when both his nenek and atok were not fast enugh to grab the rod!

Tak sangka pandai ngadu!!
And i suppose he understood my question when i asked my mum if he was naughty. And that he knew the repercussions of being naughty. you get 'POK'!

Slowly Im discovering that he knows more than we think he knows and that is indeed a pleasant surprise!

My poor parents, having to be on their toes all the time. I suppose one lil fella is enuf to make them huff and puff ....

Ok tll later!

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