Friday, August 17, 2007

The story of the busy, buzzing bumble bee
The search of one's own kind..

Do you recognise this bumble bee?
He was spotted in a school recently.

HELOOOOOOOO!! Teehee hee:)

Me? Im the bumble bee?

He was invited to a fairytale ball at TKP
Not sure which fairytale has a character of a busy buzzing bumble bee
But he didnt care did he?
Upon reaching, he spread his wings under a tree
And tried to find his new identity.

Then he met a princess.
She gave him a ball

he accepted it gleefully.

No wonder they call it fairytale ball. We get free balls! Yippeee!

Soon he was surrounded by more princesses.

But alas, none of them wanted him as prince.
He was a little too short for them.
besides, none of them wanted to have anything to do with yellow stripes, squirly antennaes and a yellow pointed tail.
But he didn't care did he?
Coz he was proud to be a busy, buzzing bumble bee.

he wondered if there is any of his kind around.

Off he went and he met,
a witch, snow white and a dwarf,none of which are bees...

a fairy and a human auntie..not bees either.....

Tigger..he was almost fooled by the stripes!

he drew a little

and darted off again

Soon he was tired and rested for a drink
and THEN he spotted one of his kind!!!! he smiled from antennae to antennae!!!!

he ran to her...
only to find....
she isnt a pure buzzing, busy bumble bee!!
she had a head of a bee but a body of a fairy!
he was disgusted. before he could escape, the giant fairybee grabbed him and took a snap!

Yucks! A crossbreed!!!!

so disgusted was he that he wanted to leave...

but this bee is indeed a funny bee.
barely a minute later, he forgot that he was angry.
Off he went again, buzzing busily as bees would be.
And soon he found a tree.
With flowers, all so pretty.
He smiled cheerfully
coz he's just so happy to be a bee, flying free in TKP.


hehhee..well, my school had a fairytale ball, an event for primary 1 pupils. The kids and parents are supposed to come, dressed based on a fairytale theme. So I menyebok and brought Irfan along. We rented the costume 30 minutes before the ball started and straightaway brought him to my school. he refused to take the costume out even after we reached home. He really looked liked a busy bee, darting around being his usual tak tau diam self.
When he first put it on, we really had a good laugh coz he really looked so funny in it. He was looking in the mirror at the costume shop and going, "lawaaa, lawaaa". Terus bekenan, tak nak bukak.It was the first costume he tried coz I asked the sales guy if he had any costumes for 2 year olds and there wasnt that many. They had peter pan too but after trying the bee, he refused to take it out and didnt want to try anything else. So dengan costume tu jugak we went straight to the ball.
Of course, he was one of the smallest at the ball coz it's for primary 1 after all, so he got quite an overwhelming attention from others. After a while, when he saw people coming towards him, he just starting running the opposite direction.

Heh, he just looked funny to me.:)

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