Saturday, December 29, 2007

So the other day, when we were at jakarta, alim and I had a lil squabble in front of irfan. We were in our room and now, i cant even remember what the squabble was about. So anyway, in the middle of our squabble, I realised that the lil boy was pretty quiet so I glanced over and saw him leaning against the coffee table. His arms was crossed, he had a long face and he was rolling his eyes. You know lah, kids his age are really tiny copy cats and they want to do everything we do, even including getting angry. Obviously he didnt want to be left out in our squabble and was eager to join in. He then went, "hmph!!" , folded his arms and rolled his eyes again in his attempt to be included in the argument too!
he looked damn funny and we were trying our darnest to contain our laughter coz we were supposed to be in the middle of a squabble mahhh....must maintainnn

so anyway, rite after that, we went to alim's parents room coz we were going out for lunch or something. You know how irfan is talking so much now and expanding his words into phrases and sentences, ...So the minute we entered their room, irfan opened his big mouth and said,
" Ibu angry"
%#@*!At that point, I wished he couldnt talk yet!
So I said, "Ya ibu angry WITH YOU coz u very naughty!"
Betul tak boleh simpan secret lah budak ni!

And Im sure one day very very very soon, he would be able to complete that sentence with just two more words that can make the whole difference: "Ibu angry WITH AYAH" and I'd be dead. Habislah, smua secret dia bilang nenek and atok dia!

Being able to talk can be dangerous hor!!
Now must teach him how to keep ah?
every secret leaked, go to naughty corner?
*scratches head*

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