Friday, November 14, 2008

Tomorrow is Irfan's end of the year concert and he is performing. Im so excited, heh although I have no idea what exactly his item is about. He has been practicing enthusiastically at home, and as he twirled and clapped and hopped, i hear something about Hot Potato, Hot Potato amidst his singing and gigling. So i suppose his item is a dance about some hot potato. That's all i know.

Im sure tomorrow will be a chaotic affair as all students from all the different branches come together at DBS Auditoriam to perform. It's actually the end of the year concert cum graduation but all kids from preschool to K2 will be performing. So I can already imagine all the mayhem. I always wonder how the teachers manage to even teach the steps and rehearse with them coz I really doubt they can even stay in a line.

Irfan has been having on and off fever since Monday and has not been in school. I hope he will be 100% ok tomorrow to perform. And i do hope he remembers his steps coz he has not been practising for a week. His teacher said he is always over zeolous during rehearsals and I think I know very well what she means.

He was also supposed to wear some makeup tomorrow, powder, some lipstick, blusher I told him that yesterday and he said he can't coz he is a boy and make up are for girls. Im not quite sure how to explain to him that this is an exception for a performance.

Well till tomorrow:) Think Im just as excited as he is!

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