Thursday, December 18, 2008


Oh how time in my 20th week already..5 mths!
Alhamdullilah the first trimester has ended with the baby still doing well albeit the hiccups and scares in between. Much to be thankful for and praying hard the 2nd and 3rd trimester will be fine too.
This time round, my stomach is rather small although I have gained quite a considerable amount of weight. I cant really remember how it was with irfan 3 years ago but i think i became really big only during my last trimester.
Had my fifth month detailed scan yesterday. Brought the lil one and he sat through the whole scan asking this and that. The sonographer was too serious and could not be bothered to layan him, so alim had to attend to his queries. And when the scan ended, the lil boy asked me, "Got baby picture or not?" The sonographer overheard this of course coz irfan always sounds like a loudhailer and i guess the sonographer tak sampai hati (either that or cannot wait to get rid of him!) and handed him two pictures, much to his delight!

"My ****** and me;)"

Not sure if he knows which part is which from the scan coz he always points out the wrong parts to me when asked. But he always asks my gynae for one everytime she scans me, just to add to his collection.

As for the gender, although the sonographer was pretty confident with what she saw (or didnt see:)and confidently told us the gender of the baby, i think i shall wait for my next appointment when the baby is bigger to take what she said seriously.
of coz, a girl would be great since naturally if you already have a boy, you would want a girl...but irfan is kinda hoping for a brother ...poor him, been telling everyone it's a boy.
for me, with the lost early this year and my crazy paranoia, honestly i will just be over the moon if everything goes well...

Just happy to know that the baby is doing ok so far and i m really hoping the rest of the 4 months will be just as good. :)

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