Thursday, May 07, 2009

My due date is next Monday, 11th, and so far no signs of labour yet. Nothing..Nada..
Just the usual crampy feeling which I dunt think counts coz it's so fleeting and the only reason i feel it is probably coz Im too free.

I have taken leave beginning last monday, to spend more time with the boy and clean up a lil here and there.

my last checkup with georgie was yesterday. We have set a date on the 14th may, thursday to be induced if the baby is not out yet by then. The baby is 3.4kg now, thereabouts and knowing that the baby is more than 3 kg makes me somewhat cringe.

She kept asking me how big irfan was and i have been telling her he was 3.74. I guess knowing that I managed to deliver irfan naturally made her think I have a high threshold of pain and really no major hurry to induce me. Actually I dunt really have a high threshold of pain, but more of a mentality of getting it over and done with, 'bear with it and hope it be over soon' kind but if possible, I really really rather NOT repeat the ordeal.

Being able to deliver a big baby before, alhamdullilah, doesnt mean I am capable of or I necessarily WANT to do it again. But heck, if that is what I have to go through again, there's nothing much I can do except go through with it.

She said its probably my diet that contributes to the size of the baby. And it has been the trend now for babies to be born bigger than usual. Recently my friend gave birth to a 4kg baby; normal delivery without epi..and she said it took forever for her to push the baby out and at some point she really could feel all her strength being drained out of her.

irfan came 2 days after his EDD and Im not sure about this one. I would say take your time, but dunt grow too big..but if you do, i hope Im given the strength to deliver you safely :)
Coz that's all I can hope for right now.

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