Tuesday, August 18, 2009

depressed mode on. last week. from 4 months down to my last week. i cant believe it. the hardest part about going to work is leaving my routine which i have been comfortable with for the past 4 months. the routine which centers around the baby and irfan is just perfect for me. i sleep while she sleeps, and i even manage to squeeze in dvds and online free video streaming at night coz she sleeps soundly through the night.

i will miss sending irfan downstairs in the morning, i will miss getting a kiss from him in the midst of my stupor before he goes to school and the moment he comes back. and i will miss waking up late and not bathing for a whole day. i miss not having to be anywhere.

and what i will miss most of all is, getting paid for NOT being at work. dream come true.

but all that will change. my wacky sleep pattern will definitely have to be corrected though i am clueless as to how. so i forsee my first day will be about me yanking myself out of bed and then probably tired at school. not only cant my body catch up, i have a strong feeling my mind is going to be running at a much lower RAM than usual. but oh well, i dunt expect to be that way for long, coz school always has a way of giving me a rude shock which forces every single cell in me to pay attention. once you r in school, u have no choice but to work, in full force, no less.

so my crazy frens said we should celebrate my going back to school. i have no idea why we are celebrating such a depressing day but its always good to have great company.

expect more depressing entries till next week. bah!


nurwati sarip said...

Hellloooo...wakey-wakey....it's time to pack the lunchbox and eat it all the way till the evening..LOL!! Crave for another 4 mths, go for the third one...hehehe...Get urself ready Mummy and have a great second semester in school...Have a blessed Ramadan for u and family..(",)

aida said...

we don't only celebrate the good times, but we celebrate the bad times too. that's what friends are for, right? ;)looking forward to our lunch later!

rain mohd said...

Hi wati..hah vey funny ahh...lunchbox aper..kan bulan puasa..i hope i dunt have to buka in sch. that wld be depressing x100000. hey, btw, can email me the photo we took that day? Have a great ramadhan!

rain mohd said...

hi aida..thanks. i know i can always count on u guys. 18 years of friendship, hokay! dunt play play!!