Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Road Trip- Perth, WA
(II) Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse

We drove south of Perth.
Past Margaret River and Augusta.

As you can see, the lighthouse is located at the most south westerly tip of Australia.
It is standing at the point where the Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean meet.
Since we are the tip, its the end of the unspoilt green fields, immediately meeting the vast blue ocean. At a far distant corner,it's as if the clear blue skies and the fluffy clouds melted into the ocean.
The lighthouse looks so sparkly white amidst that kind of backdrop.
there was nothing to do but to soak in the view, the wind and sound of the breaking waves.


Cafe behind my mum and me.

I love this pic of the distant figures of my dad and irfan

I've always thought that the way clouds are drawn in kids' drawing are pretty exaggerated. always big and fluffy, everywhere in the skies. But each time I come to australia, I am reminded that it is possible to have clouds like that.

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