Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Glad to know that irfan is phonetically aware and is performing at his age level. During the assessment, i was pleasantly surprised to note that he is able to sound all the alphabets and knows the beginning and end sound of words. The teacher said he is slightly advanced for his age. I am definitely relieved. But the sad thing is, I didnt know he knew all that before the assessment. Gotta kick myself for not spending enough time with him.

But apparently he knows. I am relieved because putting him in montessori has always been questionable. I guess for him, he is able to learn in that kind of environment. Although it looks like he is playing more than he is ever learning. There were many things he definitely picked up at school and not from me. Things like telling time, addition, comparing numbers, name of continents.. ALim's mum was asking him what is 2+ 1 the other day. He said 3 and then he said, If I take away 1, i would have 2 left. He then quickly went back to his toys as if to say, enough asking,; not only do I get the concept of addition, I know subtraction too, so enough of the testing!

He is definitely not a genius, but whats important for me at this age, is his whole attitude towards learning. ANd if there is one thing he has definitely picked up in a montessori pre school, is the love for learning. If he has a ton of toys to play with, and at some corner an adult is showing and reading a book to kids, he would definitely go over to see; leaving his toys behind. I dont know how long this would last of course. I suspect by P6, all this enhusiasm for learning would definitely have died, buried deep under the tons of worksheets he has to complete for PSLE! sigh..

its not that i hate worksheets. after all, my job is to issue them. hah. Up to a certain point, I think its absolutely necessary. A teacher cant run away from that. In fact, I was relieved and glad when i asked irfan what he did in school today and he said; my teacher gave me a..hmm..she said its a...worksheeeeet.

i have been asking him to remember what he does in school everyday. he is supposed to report to me details everyday. Everyday I would ask him if he did any writing or reading in school. After all he is in K1 this year and there should be more focus on writing. so i was happy he came home, saying the word "worksheet" for the first time ever. Now that sounds more like school.

WElcome to learning the Singapore way, Irfan! (actually its not the learning but the major assessments that stresses one out.)
I think at some points, you would hate it very much but it would make you vair vair creverrr lohhhhh!!!


Rossyn said...

Irfan is K1 already?! So fast.... Sunday morning with Irfan.
Cik Ros is shouting like mad dog to Cik Zali to ask him get ready quickly to send me to Changi Point.
Irfan: Ya la, Cik Jali always very slow, always waste time.
Cik Ros: Ya! So....slow...
Irfan: Cik Ros, why don't you just leave now and take the bus?
Cik Ros: .... *roll eyes*

rain mohd said...

Haha! He said that to you? I always get that from him too if Alim is slow. But for me, he would suggest I take a taxi!