Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Alisha at 14 months and Irfan at 5

My two kids are fast growing and everyday i look forward to the end of the day to spend time with them.
Alisha is very much a typical girl. I guess having a big brother and spending 24/7 with him doesnt stop her from being a very girly girl. The absence of hair doesnt stop her too. So what is so typically girlish about her?

Well for one, she loves bags. Don't we all? She slips the bag and hangs it on the crook of her arm and with her arm slightly bent, she will walk around the house. When we say ,"Lawa" she will say, "Min, Min" which means cermin and quickly goes off to find a mirror and admire her reflection.

she is also extremely talkative, loves to sing and loves listening to songs on you tube. She picks up songs easily and remembers them by heart. Very typical mak nenek. :) She can count to ten, but i wouldnt say she knows the concept of numbers and quantity, but she just remembers the order, just like how she memorises all her other favourite songs. Alim's parents were quite surprised that she could recite all the numbers in order from one to ten and was totally amused by the way she says the numbers. Sometimes she gets fed up by the repeated requests to count that she straightaway shouts, TEN! and claps her hand.

Oh and now, her obsession is holding on to a book and pretending to read. She can sit in one corner and just pretend to read the book aloud, flips the pages, pretends to read, flips them again and on and on. I dont know how long this interest will last but i sure hope it's a start to a wonderful love for reading.

Been meaning to capture all of these on video but can never remember to do it and to lazy to look for the camera. Must do it one day.

I guess kids her age have fantastic memory and it makes me wonder what else I can pump into that teeny weeny brain of hers. She is so ready to learn that I feel like I should do more to encourage her interest. Im not surprised that kids at the age of 3 can memorise surahs in the quran coz I think if we do spend time reading to them every single day, their powerful memory will just absorb it quickly. It's possible but of course a lot of time needs to be invested and consistency is key.

Irfan adores her sister so much but they do fight most of the time and the house is never peaceful anymore. Alisha is always going "Jangan, Jangan" and pushing her brother away. Irfan of course would continue to irritate her until he ends up getting scolded. When we ask Alisha, "Siapa naughty?", without hesitation she will say, "Abam!" which means Abang, of course.
And why is it that when one of them is holding on to something, the other one will surely want the same thing too? Alisha will be shouting, "I want! I want!" and Irfan will be running away from her. Oh whats new at home. Noise and clutter has been the order of the day!

At only 14 months, Alisha throws very bad tantrums at times. We worry when the supposed terrible two hits because we are wondering how worst can it get from now? When she is unhappy, she will just slams whatever she was holding onto the ground. She throws her body backwards and wail to her hearts content. Try to soothe her by giving her a bottle of milk and she will just throw it on the floor and you have no choice but to bend down and chase after the rolling bottle. Hate it when it happens in public, really make me look silly!

We are getting used to her tantrums because irfan has always been rather easy going and good natured when he was younger.

So thats the story of my two kids for now. :)

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