Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's late and I cant sleep.
Ive taken medication but my tummy still feels bloated and uncomfortable.
And my whole body is aching. And my head has not stopped spinning. Doc gave me two days mc. Been a while since the last time I had stomach flu and I had forgotten how bad it can be.

It's contagious so Im hoping I didnt spread it to irfan and alisha. As usual, Alisha is super clingy when Im home. And these few days, she's been kicking up a big fuss when she doesnt get her way. She's been throwing things when she gets frustrated and Im not really sure what I should do about it. Irfan was never like this. She's very adamant about getting what she wants and trying to distract her does not help most of the time. She wants what she wants and will remember it till she gets it. By my standards, it's pretty bad for a lil girl to be screaming and hurling things around the room. Im hoping its just a phase coz if it's not, I would have to consider some very drastic measures.

Ive tried ignoring her, Ive tried being firm..but so far it doesnt work. I guess it takes some consistency and hopefully soon enough she will learn thats not the way to show frustration. And irfan has been really sweet all this time. Whenever his sister throws a tantrum, he will try to console her by singing her a song or distracting her and when he does it, it works more often than when we do it. Sometimes I think she listens to her big brother more than she listens to us. And irfan is way more patient towards her than I am. He really does look out for his sister and I find that big brotherly trait extremely cute:)

Yes in terms of speech, memory she's way ahead of her brother when he was this age. At only 14 months, she can string 2-3 words together. She says stuff like, "Ibu in toilet.", " Alisha sit down"" Nenek go home"... but coupled with that is her determined nature and the fact that she knows what she wants makes her a lot more difficult to handle. ANd when she gets angry coz I can't attend to her immediately, she will call me by my name, "Ain!!" (exactly how my mum calls me). She has a favourite book, a favourite CD and if you give her a different one, she will do what she does best; hurl it across the room. Sometimes Im at my wits end handling her especially in public.

But when she wants to behave herself, she's like the sweetest thing, speaking softly, smiles her toothy smile and sits on my lap. And those moment are to be treasured.

So let me see, what else has been happening other than me being sick and alisha throwing tantrums? Hmmm not much I guess, just that I am trying to dig myself out of the deep dark hole called boredom. Im busy, my hands are full and yet Im bored. Does that make sense? It doesnt sound quite right but it happens.

Should I be looking for something exciting or create something exciting?

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