Monday, February 28, 2011

Of errands, bus rides and sweltering hot day

On the bus to bedok interchange. Going to a posbank and then to geylang to hand in the cheques to the maid agency. Then got to repair dads watch and buy alishas milk. Figuring out how to get from one place to another. No ezlink card on me. Dead hungry now. Oh boy isn't this exciting.
By the way, I'm in 32 and boys in white and girls in green reminds me of my good ol days! How exciting!
Anyway, Let's see how many tasks I get completed today and how many different buses I will take till I succumb to the cab. Hah! The only thing im missing now is a pair of earphones. I need you music! And why must it be a sweltering hot day today?!

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Missing my reality

Watched 2 great movies in 2 days.... So many parallels I could draw from 127 hours and the black swan. They are similar in more ways than 1. One stark similarity i couldn't help but notice is that both movies focused on images conjured by the minds of the main characters. The power of the mind is indeed limitless and it does and will undoubtedly affect your reality. Your mind can kill you or save you depending on which voice you choose to hear. In 127 hours, In the midst of being trapped in a canyon, he chooses to draw on the strength of people he loves which eventually gives him the courage to cut his own arm to gain his freedom. And it's all in his mind. The images, the past and premonitions of the future. Similarly and yet in a stark contrast, black swan delves into the dark side of the mind. Trapped in the fear of losing her role, she drives her mind to killing herself. It's all in the mind, the violence, the blood, the sexual encounters.
When you are pushed to the edge for watever reasons; being trapped in a canyon for 127 hours or the fear of losing something important like a role in a ballet performance, your mind can either draw strength or push you to a very very very dark side.
Both movies also require an acting ability which is raw and relied heavily on the actors facial expressions with minimal script and supporting actors. I can't help but be drawn to such movies where there is a fine line between reality and "just in the mind" phenomenon. Inception was another one which I really liked too.
So yes, that wraps up our movie date for now. Meanwhile I am looking forward to seeing you next weekend, partner.
And meanwhile, in my painful loneliness without u, partner,I guess I could choose; to painfully cut off the dependence arm and bask in freedom or drive myself to the dark side, where I conjure you in my mind and let my fingers do the walking;) Haha ok, I'm just kidding here and u got to watch the black swan to understand this..
Anyway....don't mind me, I've just been watchg too many movies within a short span of time...
So I guess I would just be here, counting down the days from tomorrow till your return:(

So...Next two weeks, I'm pretty much on my own. Say hello to public transport..I have a feeling the cab will be my new best friend:(

I miss u already:(((

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Iphone babies

Old foggies of generation X, recuperating from a hard day's work.
while generation Iphone rock on with their lil stubby fingers.

Alisha is not even 2.
She asks, "Can I have your Iphone please?"
A second later, she's playing her favourite games.
Soon she gets bored and goes on to watch her fav you tube videos.
All on her own. All while not being able to read yet.
I guess the only way they could have learnt is by observing coz I sure didnt teach her how to navigate her way around.

Im sure this is the norm for kids her age these days.
All over the world. Their world is one which I will probably never fully understand.

When she smiles..

Nur Alisha Zahra@21 months

The smile that never fails to take my blues away:)
Thank God for lil children. So precious, so simple, so adorable.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Movie date, travel plans

3 movies in 3 nights. That's our target. 127 hours done yesterday, perhaps black swan tonite and another movie tomorrow night. These days staying up after putting the kids to sleep is a super big challenge. Squeezing in a midnite movie is almost impossible coz we will be dozing off before we know it. But this weekend we have to make it happen.
On another note... Decisions decisions... Tons to make. June plans need to be decided asap so that alims parents can proceed with the bookings but I have no idea if we should go. It's always a dilemma...we are meeting them for dinner tonite and we r still undecided. Haiz...
There's so many beautiful places to see in this world, how to decide? which one which one which one?how about the 2 monsters? Can manage or not?
Honestly I don't mind going around our region. Driving in Malaysia and stuffing ourselves silly sounds perfect to me too. After all we had just gone to US in dec. But when alims parents asked if we wanted to join them to Berlin and Salzburg, it was super tempting. It wasnt our initial intended destination but europe is europe. And it will be nice to go on a holiday with them. How? How? How?
We had always wanted to go back Europe but we didn't plan it for this June. We were thinking of Italy n Greece, not quite Berlin n Salzburg but they are gorgeous too. My parents had always wanted to go turkey, so if I could I would love to bring them there.... there goes our dilemma.
Meanwhile, I'm still dreaming of santorini...Greece wins hands down! No doubt about that. :)

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Caffeine high

Can't sleep. Feel very up and about today. Marked all 39 compos, went to bugis after maghrib, early supper at fika and I'm still up now. I wonder why.
Alisha slept very early tonite so I missed her today and I'm watching her sleep now. She never fails to marvel me with her antics and especially the things she says. Super Mak nenek, she is.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Two in 3 months

In 3 months, she turns two.

She loves to make comparisons:
"look! bird, ibu. Bird ada tail. Alisha ada pantat."

She loves to act like prefect prefect:
"Abang wear seat belt! Later ayah scold you!"

And love telling people what to do. When she sees someone starting to put food in the mouth she would say, "baca dulu!" N When people leave the hse she says " baik baik jalan eh"! Boleh pengsan man!

Girls are super chatty and kepo sey.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ringing 2011

2011 started on the wrong foot for me. I started the year with ringing in my ear that just refused to let up. 2 doctors later , I'm referred to ent in march. Which seemed like eternity. Imagine having a ringing/ hissing sound in your ear 24/7. It would drive anyone up the wall! but I've somehow learnt to live with it and managed to filter the sound out. It's especially irritating in the quiet of the night. Silence makes the ringing more apparent. And I guess the iron maiden concert last night might hv made it worse!
And then my fdw went home and I'm maidless now. My house needs spring cleaning and we are " rationing " on clothes now to reduce the amt of clothes that needs to be washed. Irfan has been wearing his pajamas for 3 days in a row. He alernates 2 tshirts in 4 days. I wear the same jeans on weekends. Would anyone notice if I alternate 2 work tops in 4 days too? Maybe pants less noticeable? U think?
Kids are falling sick too, all kinds of infection. Flu, eye infection, stomach indigestion.. And it's only feb! Poor babies:( probably because of the dust accumulating at home or the "rationed" clothes?
Anyway, life goes on and thank god for lil lil everyday things that cheer us on. :)
And plus march hols is coming followed by June!!! My in laws are going Berlin and we are so tempted to tag alone. Being away might also be good for my parents to take a break from the kids. We ll see how my medical report goes... And till then I'm going to stay positive!:)

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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Mummy's First

Irfan will be in p1 next year. Is he ready? While he can read most words, I wouldn't say he is an extremely fluent reader. His handwriting needs work and when it comes to writing sentences, some of his words are illegible. I know i cant expect perfect spelling but i feel like i can do more to help him. His Malay needs work too. I've seen much progress in maths and seems to be doing fine in that area so far.
I guess he is not doing too bad but he needs some polishing. I need time to sit down with him and help him for eg to improve on his handwriting and writing skills. I have a million and one ideas that I want to do with him; activities that we could do together to help him. But of course I need some time to do that.
I hope he is ready. More importantly, hope I am ready to be a mother of a schooling child in a country like ours. Ohh man, why can't they just remain a tiny toddler forever.. Sigh...

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