Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ringing 2011

2011 started on the wrong foot for me. I started the year with ringing in my ear that just refused to let up. 2 doctors later , I'm referred to ent in march. Which seemed like eternity. Imagine having a ringing/ hissing sound in your ear 24/7. It would drive anyone up the wall! but I've somehow learnt to live with it and managed to filter the sound out. It's especially irritating in the quiet of the night. Silence makes the ringing more apparent. And I guess the iron maiden concert last night might hv made it worse!
And then my fdw went home and I'm maidless now. My house needs spring cleaning and we are " rationing " on clothes now to reduce the amt of clothes that needs to be washed. Irfan has been wearing his pajamas for 3 days in a row. He alernates 2 tshirts in 4 days. I wear the same jeans on weekends. Would anyone notice if I alternate 2 work tops in 4 days too? Maybe pants less noticeable? U think?
Kids are falling sick too, all kinds of infection. Flu, eye infection, stomach indigestion.. And it's only feb! Poor babies:( probably because of the dust accumulating at home or the "rationed" clothes?
Anyway, life goes on and thank god for lil lil everyday things that cheer us on. :)
And plus march hols is coming followed by June!!! My in laws are going Berlin and we are so tempted to tag alone. Being away might also be good for my parents to take a break from the kids. We ll see how my medical report goes... And till then I'm going to stay positive!:)

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