Monday, January 02, 2012

The teacher and her son-student

Tomorrow, I will start school. In the afternoon session. I seriously don't know what to expect. I am still not asleep yet so I suppose being in the afternoon session is a good thing? I sure hope so.

Downside; there will be no afternoon dates or movie with alim. I will see him at 7 in the morning and then 7 in the evening:( it might be common to most but it will be completely new for us and just the thought if it makes me sad.:(:( boo hoo.

Tomorrow, the boy sleeping in my bed now will be a student in my school. I wonder how that will work out? How does it feel to bring a student home, u think? Honestly, I'm still in two minds abt the idea but a decision has been made and we'll just see if I can be professional abt it. During recess later, will I help my students or my son? Hmm dilemma dilemma.. But I've told irfan, Alim and myself that I will not be his mummy at all when I am in school, which means as much as I want to stand there and take a picture of my firstborn buying food or lining up, I will not.
In school, I shall be a teacher to my students, u think can? Haiz, maybe it's just me, complicating things. But seriously, I shouldn't even take one single photo of my son on his first day of school, u think? Oklah will try to do it discreetly if possible. Of course, the idea of asking him to pose will be out and I definitely can't get him to pose with me and get someone else to take for us!! Haha! That one dah melampau kan! Haiz so tempting.

Alamak, seriously i dunno how to play dual role at the moment. As you can see I'm an excited mummy of a P1 boy but still must maintain cool coz I'm also a teacher in the sch! Haiya!

Hoping for the best! Wish us luck!


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