Thursday, June 21, 2012

My loves

They are super excited to have another member join them create more ruckus at home!

One more month to my EDD and I'm hoping everything will go well. Insyaallah. Super excited but very nervous too!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bye bye birdie:)

He was all smiles and in high spirits on the way to the doc. In tow was his loyal supporter, who was more afraid of the whole ordeal than her brother was. She already told us right from the start that she wanted to follow him to the doc but would not be going into the doc's room.

The boy and her loyal supporter
The boy, on the other hand, didn't quite know what kind of pain he was going to go through. So he was smiling right up to when he was lying on the small 'operating bed' with the lights shining down on him. Right up to when the doc lifted his jubah n swiped his birdie with some cold swab of cotton wool. He was still smiling.

In high spirits, waiting for his turn at the clinic!:) So kesian.
After which, I left the room coz only one person was allowed in and I decided to leave it to the daddy to reminisce his 'bye bye birdie' experience many many years ago.

And then, from outside, I heard the cries. (Irfan's cries, not the daddy's, in case you are wondering:) And my heart felt like breaking. I would have cried too if I had 3 injections down there and then have someone snip it off. Ewww.. Just the thought of it made me weak in the knees.

Barely 15 mins later, he came out in tears. My breaking heart broke into pieces. In between tears, he said,"It was veryyy painful." I think he didn't expect that it will be THAT painful! I gave him a hug and told him how brave he was. I remembered how he was smiling just a few minutes kesian.

On the way home. Tears on his face.
At home, the ordeal wasn't over for him. His first few pee was excruciatingly painful. Alim was more patient, coz he probably knew how painful it was. On his first pee, the boy said, "I don't want to sunat ever again!" Yes boy, we will grant you that wish. Promise!

Day 1: My dad put the old skool wire in his jubah to prevent his birdie from touching the jubah.
Reminded me of my brothers' circumcision years years ago.
Smiles all gone!:(:(
Day 2: Mak Long, Pak Long and Qistina gave him a Nerf gun for his fly away birdie.
Now he's smiling!!

It's his third day today and he is healing well. He's playing, walking but once in a while, he still fear peeing and passing motion. The ring will probably drop off in a few days. Inshallah, he will heal quickly and get back to his normal self!

Day 3: Wire's off and play time!
Come near my birdie again and I'll SHOOT!
You've been a brave boy, Irfan. We are all proud of you!

Happy Father's Day Papi!!

Have we told you lately how awesome you are? Happy Father's Day Papi!!
You are our Super Daddy!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

9th of June; Happy Birthday, partner!

On the 9th of June, was the birthday of a special person, a partner who was destined to walk the rest of my life with me.

He has been there with me, for me, every step of the way, always giving nothing less than his all, the millions of sacrifices he has made for me, the children and my family, living under the same roof as my parents and respecting and appreciating them more than I am capable of sometimes.

I can never thank him enough. I can never match his birthday celebration with the kind of person he is.

My children are lucky to have him as a daddy. And me, I'm just lucky he loves me.

So happy birthday, my dear partner. May Allah bless you with good health always and unwavering patience. May the children inherit your kind, kind heart and selfless nature.

We love you more than you love us.

Kids prepared a surprise birthday breakfast in bed for their daddy. Irfan
and Alisha made French toast for him and strawberries with chocolate Hershey's toppings at the side. With a glass of milk and a tray to put everything on, they served their daddy in bed. Sweet!

We decided to stay at rasa sentosa for the night. It has become a favorite staycation whenever I'm pregnant. Realized that we did this for all the 3 kids while I was pregnant. The kids love the pool and the beach! And the birthday boy was given a surprise birthday cake which was on the house. Yeah!

This time, we also brought them to Underwater World and listened to a storytelling session which was happening while they were there followed by a short craftwork.

Enjoy some of the pics, taken from my phone.

Alhamdullilah for these good times. :)

Monday, June 04, 2012

Old and grey.. Will u love me anyway?

Dear Irfan and Alisha,

Everyday I pray that when I am old and grey, I will not be of too much trouble to the both of you.

When it comes to health, I'm sorry but I really don't have any control. I don't know how my old age will be, and if I'll somehow become very ill and if you do decide to take care of me n love me, I will like to apologise in advance for being difficult and being an added responsibility to you.

But if health permits and i still stay relatively healthy and strong when I'm much older, one thing i will make sure is that I am financially independent.

Of course, I can only try and no one knows what the future brings, but I will work my ass of now to make sure I don't have to be financially dependent on the both of you when im old. I think that's what responsible parents should do.

You have your own lives to build, your own challenges and struggles raising a family of your own so I really do not want to add on to your responsibilities.

I know you will be wonderful children who will want to live up to your responsibilities to take care of me when the need arises, and knowing that about the two of you, I hope I will never have to put you in a situation where you will have to take on that responsibility.

I know you will do anything for me, (I hope) but I really don't have the heart to see you struggle (emotionally) because of me.

I will remember not to spend every single cent of my money on the here and now and not think about my old age, or just "tawakkal" that my life will be taken care of. That is indeed irresponsible because ultimately which good child will stand around seeing their parents in difficulty? I'm sure you will try your best to help me but I also know that you will be struggling with your own lives.

I hope I will never have to demand money from you because I know it will sap away every ounce of sincerity you have and makes you re evaluate your noble intentions of making me happy. I hope if you do have spare cash and decide to give me, it's because you love me, you feel good about it and not because you have to.

And I will try my darnest not to demand money from you just because I think you can afford to give them to me.

And more importantly,I will try my best never to think that getting money from u monthly is my RIGHT.

No matter how much you earn.

My dear babies, I don't know how my old age will be.
and that is why I wrote "I will try" instead of "I will". I don't want to be too cocky and say I will NEVER be that kind of parents. Because honestly, The future is not in our hands and circumstances sometimes forces us to do otherwise.

But I pray I won't be of too much trouble to the both of you.

I can't promise but I do what I can now, when I am healthy and strong. I'll save some for my old age, I will try my best. But ultimately HE decides. I dont know how i will feel when im old. I dont know what my thoughts are.

I am not a perfect parent and I learn as I go along. Learning can be a painful process but I try to take it positively (though not always successful) and these uncomfortable experiences help me anticipate what lies ahead and gives me a better idea of how my babies will feel in the future if I behave in a certain way. So yes, although painful, it's not a lost cause.

But Whatever the future holds, my dear babies, I hope you will love me no less when I'm old.

I hope I will never ever make you feel like you are lousy children who can never make their parents happy.

I know how sad that feeling is.
I'm sorry if I do.

Love and kisses,
Your mummy forever