Thursday, March 21, 2013


We are having an awesome March break! Who cares if there's ton of work to do. When it's time to burn the midnight oil, I will. But for now, it's precious moments with my kids. And it's not over yet. We are looking forward to the weekend too:)
Pictures soon.

Shmelly boy 8 month update

8 months yesterday! Oh my, he's a big boy now. He's super active. Always on the go, crawling, pulling up to stand and cruising. He's putting everything in his
mouth. It's hard for him to keep still and I kept trying to remember if irfan was this way too. I believe so but honestly, I really can't remember.
He loves to smile. It's easy to make him smile. He loves to blabber too now.
He's kind of petite for his age I think. He
looks kind of compact.

In less than 5months, he will turn 1. Oh my!

I love you so much, shmelly boy!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Another sign

Come. Bring in the signs.
I'm closer to the edge.
With time, I might just be disgruntled enough to be brave.
It's probably nearer than I thought.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Breakfast for four

Sunday morning breakfast 2 weeks ago. Shahid looking intensively at Alisha, hoping against hope that he can sink his gums in that piece of bread!
But alas he just had to settle for his teether!

Ended with a nice drive. Lovely Sunday mornings it has been:)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Things Alisha says

1) seeing the little girl twirling around, trying to stand on her toes and raising her hands up, I asked her if she wanted to be a ballerina. And she said this
"i don't want. later sexy sexy how?" while giving me a shy smile and one hand near her mouth gesturing a whisper. She was referring to the tutu, not covering much of the body. Huh huh.

2) frustrated that she didn't get her way she said this
"if I don't get to play that, I will not buy for you tudung. If you behave, I will buy you a pink tudung(shawl)!"
She knows I'm crazy about tudung and she attempted to use my weakest point. But of course, I didn't relent. I asked her where she's going to get money to buy a pink tudung for me. She said something about taking it out from some machine.

3) I was busy on my phone, messaging my friend. I was lying on my bed. Irfan and Alisha walked into my room and repeatedly asked me to go to their room. I repeatedly told them to wait.

And then after waiting for quite some time, the 3 year old makcik said this.


I didn't know how to react? Should I be impressed, shocked or scared?!

But automatically I put down my phone and like a robot walked into their room with them. This time she got her way.

'Which is more important? Your family or your phone?' That's a pretty powerful sentence! Got me moving all right! Now I hear it in my head everytime I'm surfing the net or whatsapping on my phone! And I feel guilty! Argghh!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday morning with you

I love Sunday mornings. After sending Irfan for madrasah, we will usually go for breakfast. The only downside is Irfan doesn't get to join us:(

Today we went to Arab St for breakfast and a stroll down Haji Lane. We like the quaint shophouses, the colourful walls and the charming trinkets sold along the shops.

And we took pictures. :)

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Mini me and you

Today Alisha threw a tantrum while we were about to leave the house and we almost left her at home. However the big brother wouldn't let that happen to his little sister. So he carried her all the way to the carpark. He isn't big or strong but he was quite determined to get her into the car. He had to pause a couple of times and put her down but in the end, he did manage to sit her in the car.

The little girl let herself be carried, weeping like a lost puppy. Haiyo.
In the car, she was still weeping ever so sadly. Irfan told her," Alisha stop crying. Calm down ok. Just breathe in and out a few times. Dah dah don't cry. If you are tired just close your eyes and sleep."

She eventually stopped.

Ok ok so I have to admit, he's a lot like his daddy. And she, well.. Hmmm.. I wonder who she takes after, with the tantrum and weeping all.. tsk tsk..!

Friday, March 08, 2013

Growing up

My kids are growing up so fast. It's scary. We tried on a bag for irfan the other day at manhattan and he looks so adult in it that I decided not to get it for him. I would like to keep him kiddish for a lot longer, if that is possible.
My little girl is also looking more 'kakak kakak' now and she herself claims to be one. I must say for her age, she is rather independent. Partly because she has a younger sibling and an older brother. The younger one gets my attention and the older brother sets an example. She gets ready on her own for school. She gets up, bathes on her own( though I feel the need to supervise her once in a while to ensure she's cleaning herself properly), wipes herself dry, puts powder, puts on her clothes, with buttons and all and packs her bag for school which includes ensuring her water bottle and snack box is in her bag. She puts on her own tudung and shoes and off she goes.
Although I must say, she has her lazy days when her true age surfaces and she just drags her feet everywhere and does nothing.
But on normal days, she's independent and I take her to be older than she is sometimes. I'm reminded that she's only 3 turning 4, when she asks for milk in a bottle or when she insists on sleeping with us in our beds. Sometimes she will purposely speak in a babyish language or wants to be carried. We try to give her what she needs when she needs it, depending on her cue.
I guess being in the middle is not easy.

Here's some pics. Good nite!