Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My firstborn

My eldest boy has a good heart.
Sometimes I forget. He gets a lot of scolding from me. Usually because he takes a long time to complete a certain task, he gets distracted easily and loses focus all the time. 

However he is special. His heArt is that of a child. So pure.

He believes in a prayer. He always makes doa when things get difficult or before he starts something and he always doa for his loved ones. I know this because I overheard him or because he told me. Today his maths paper was tough and he told me he made doa so that he can do the paper well. Trust in Allah is one trait I want all my children to have.

He always reminds his little sister to offer food to the elders first. When eating, he never fails to offer Alim and me his food first. He always remembers his sister and tries to get extra for her or if not, share the little he received with her. Respect for elders should never get old in any generation. And sparing a thought for other family members is something I would like my kids to have.

He always tries his best not to hurt others' feelings. If he has nothing nice to say, he will just smile. If asked something, he will arrange his words that will not hurt others even when the truth does hurt. Being aware of others' feelings is another trait that everyone should have, it's never too young to learn abt empathy.

He always reminds me not to shop too much. He said he doesn't need a big house because its a waste of money. He said he'd rather share his money with the poor or save it for important things. I hope he continues to see little value in material things which are not impt (some things are necessary of coz!) and appreciate what he has.

I have a lot to learn from him. Of coz he is not perfect. He is an ordinary kid who needs constant reminders and scolding. He is an ordinary kid who sometimes just never listens.

I'm not sure how he will fit into the big, realistic world in the future. I'm not sure if he will change one day because he might realize being kind in this world doesn't equate to success. I hope not. Because success in this world is defined by others who knows no better. He might get bullied if he is too kind. People might take advantage of him. I hope he will learn to strike a balance instead of stop being kind. 

I love you, irfan. I hope you will keep your pure kind heart till forever. And no one will ever break it one day. Not because you were kind.

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