Friday, April 30, 2004

My Old Place

It was a real downpour just now. We went to Bedok to eat just now, we were sitting at Zul (previously known as dat), now im not sure what its called. that place sure holds fond memories for me. years ago when i was still a naive little girl in green pinafore uniform, my best buds and me used to sit there and talk about things that don't matter now. we talked about boys, bitched about girls and predicted our future. yeah, like who's gonna be married first, who we gonna be married to and the birds and the bees...hahha..thinking about those days always put a smile on my face. its funny how our predictions turned out to be sooooo wrong as compared to where we all are now. We giggled over kerang, one of our fav back then.

I know Spore is so darn small but I cried my eyes out no less when i had to shift away from Bedok. And now, 7 years down the road, I still miss that place a lot. I missed sitting at AnW, slurping root beer and eating waffles with ice cream, or Conny Dog on Tuesdays. I missed the EPB, the red smelly carpet in the old Bedok Library, the sweet Ice Kachang from Hollywood, the tear jerker Mee Soto at Wak Din and the Rocket, everyone's meeting place. I missed walking round and round the stupid BedokInterchange, with a certain someone after school. And I mean really round and round..and yep, in our bright green uniform.

Those who are familiar with Bedok will know what crap Im talking about. Im sure you missed those things too cause almost all the things I mentioned above don't exist in Bedok anymore.

In fact, half of the places I grew up in, are now gone, shreded to rubble or left standing sadly alone, all dilapidated and abandoned. Just like my alma mater. You can view the sad, haunting pics under "places". D and I actually smuggled ourselves into the abandoned building and took some pics. I had chills when I entered the building, as if I was transported back to when I was 13. I see girls in green uniform walking everywhere, along the corridors, in the canteen, at the staircase and sitting in the classrooms. Except now, the hustle and bustle of giggly girls are replaced by the haunting sounds of the rustling leaves and the howling wind. The building is so familiar and yet so distant and foreign now. I wondered if my secondary school life there was a mere dream that I conjured. Its really quite sad.

Guess we have to learn to let go.

Soon all of our recollections and memories of places sounds like a story we made up. This country is becoming more and more foreign to me like my roots have been dug out from the ground. The National Library, Cathay Cinema, Capitol, the playground on top of Parkway, my Primary School, Secondary School, Bukit Timah NIE, the green Al- Ansar, East Coast Hawker Centre and McDees area, nice Roti John near Botanic Gardens (wat was it called?)and soon, Bedok Corner ....they really did exist once rite???? RITE??????

Gosh, I feel so old.

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