Sunday, September 05, 2004

Anniversaries and parties

Anniversaries and parties

this weekend had been about friends and family. we celebrated 3 wedding anniversaries on sat; my parents', sis's and brother's. all in the month of september. for a very long while, ive always thought that mine will also be in september but sadly, that couldnt happen due to time and work constraints.

the ladies with culinary skills in the family (me excluded of coz) cooked a sumptuous meal which they called nasi arab. it was supposed to be beriyani but they changed the name when they tasted it. a few things didnt turn out quite rite i suppose,the rice was too soft and tandoori chicken was tasteless and thanks to mum, we had arca mixed with burnt sugar. but heck, i didnt cook a teeny bit so id rather not have too many comments. anyway, the effort must be applauded.

the nite was later spent with the friends, mine then his. it was our first time at Hideout, guess its quite a nice place to sit around with a group of friends, low light, comfy sofas and nice music. for lazy me, it was nice to just sit back and be entertained by a comical bunch of frens fooling around ;)

and then come Monday, its back to becoming an adult. have to attend many many oh-so-serious courses...think its gonna be another tiring week, holiday or not.

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