Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Swollen ankles

Swollen ankles

I can't see my ankles anymore. .I can't recognise my feet when i woke up today, ,very gelembong (been a while since i used this word.heh) , dah macam Professor Klums in Nutty Professor. Think if i poke my feet, it'll burst? Looks like it..

Had craving for crepes with bananas since yesterday. Finally went Marches and had my cravings satisfied. So im happy today.

Feel so fatigued today, nothing great on T.V. Can't sleep, just want to lie down and watch something. Wish Nip Tuck was today, my fav show to date. Oh wait, there's CSI tonite...so not too bad.

Looking forward to Thursday...Teacher's Day holiday!!! I almost forgot the perks of being a teacher until a holiday like this come. Morrow will be a relaxing day in school, just sit back and be entertained...Nice. But been feeling kinda guilty coz i haven't been much of a teacher lately..pple say my health and the baby is more important but looking at my students, im just torn. sigh...

by the way, the dead corpse is till lying quietly in his/her coffin. Its getting too quiet down there..wonder when the musical extravaganza will begin.

Monday, August 29, 2005

A dead corpse and sleepless nite

A dead corpse and sleepless nite

i had a terrible nite. Didn't sleep a wink and im having the headache today. Think Im down with gastric flu, or is it stomach flu or just plain gastric? I dunno. can never differentiate between all these stomach related terms. But all I know was there was a lot of gas in me and it was poking me sharply throughout the whole nite. At some point i can feel the gas and acid twisting itself in me, like a razor, cutting through your gut. I lost count of how many trips i made to the toilet, vomitting and passing out liquid. Horrible! Could it be food poisoning? I dunno..going to the doc soon. can't stand it anymore.

I hope the baby is not affected by all this. Must be pretty noisy in there, sound of trapped gas in me. He couldn't stop moving the whole nite either.

So Im on medical leave again today. Feels really bad, been taking too many sick leave lately, way too many...sigh...

And by the way, it was kinda a spooky nite, last nite. The thought of sleeping near a dead corpse was not at all nice. Since we moved in, this is the first time a funeral was held at the multi purpose hall in front of my block. The worst part is, from our room, we have a crystal clear view of the coffin. Its half covered, mind you. Lower part of the coffin is covered by wood and the upper part, by transparent glass. But somehow, we can't make out the face from up here, cause of the reflection of the glass cover. Thank God for that! The noise hasn't started yet. Have a feeling, we are gonna have a real kecoh party soon. Well, gotta enjoy the 'perks' of staying on the lower floors.

Ok Im feeling anohter surge of gas forcing its way up. Im all clammy and goose bumps appearing again..think i need the toilet now...so till later...

wish me luck, another nite with a dead corpse tonite. Think the windows of our room would be closed and the curtains would be drawn for a few more nites now!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Yeayiyaaaaah! we finally got our broadband wireless connection and all our hardware in place at home. The PC and laptop are all here and functioning well rite now. Hahh..the pleasure of clicking away on the comforts of my bed, and many many windows opening up quickly, waiting for me to read em instead of me waiting for them! No more snail crawling connection and attached phone lines. Nice.

Ok, so now with everything in place, lets have a proper update. This writing space here had been abandoned for way too long, actually without me realizing it. Time passed so fast, its just crazy. What?! September coming?!!! Feels like I just saw the double blue line on the pregnancy test kit and now 12kg gain later, im awaiting the arrival of this lil hero. Any moment now.

Scared? U kidding? Me? Im scared of almost everything and anything, be it the wedding day, (and night too lah, hehe) , plane rides, shifiting...basically everything lah. So this is no different, except im just super excited...can never get enuf of those kicks and bumps and humps the lil being is making to my stomach. Im waiting to finally meet him. Just hope he makes a normal, usual entrance, not dramatic like his dad's or any other horror labour stories that i've heard!

my pregnancy hasn't been totally smooth sailing but neither has it beeen terrible either. was hospitalised, took dozens of mcs from werk, had bleeding, spotting...had morning sickness in the first trimester and now with the last trimester, im having the terrible aches. I can't even remember the last time I had a good night sleep without waking up in the middle of nite, having to go to the toilet 2,3 times. Never knew, getting out of bed, bending over and lying on my back can be so painful and achy.

But alhamdullilah, i have no reason to complain. Baby and me is fine so far, and that is all that matters. With my paranoia, i have never even dreamed of coming this far. :) Smiles...

Praying all will be fine. Not evrything is in our hands, is it? Weak, we humans are. That's what im reminded of everytime. Doesn't matter what we want or how much we want it. In the end, its not up to us, nuthing is up to us.

For now, id be holding my breath, waiting for the the story of my life to unfold, hoping, hoping, hoping for smiles and joy. and not forgetting waiting for more sleepless nites, nappy change and engorged, throbbing breasts!
Right now, all that sounds like the best thing to me!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

IN all whiteness and smallness, i await to be connected

yesterday, we finally signed up for broadband connection for our new home. today, we will be buying a computer and repairing my virus infected laptop.

we have been surviving pathetically without computer and internet connection since we moved. It has been a very painful experience. Really.

come next 2 weeks, our misery would end. i would have internet connection, a new computer, a repaired laptop and a new, compact, white beauty. I forsee my old repaired laptop will soon collect dust as i lay my fingers on the white keys of the new 12 inch white mini mini apple.

yes, we are crazy about anything white and small. step into our home and you will know, all white and small...so here comes the latest addition. we will continue our pursuit for whiteness and smallness till we get sick and tired of it.

So in next 2 weeks, with the technology in place at home, our place would now feel more like a home.

Till then, barulah boleh update panjang panjang lebar from the comforts of the home...

so till later...