Monday, August 29, 2005

A dead corpse and sleepless nite

A dead corpse and sleepless nite

i had a terrible nite. Didn't sleep a wink and im having the headache today. Think Im down with gastric flu, or is it stomach flu or just plain gastric? I dunno. can never differentiate between all these stomach related terms. But all I know was there was a lot of gas in me and it was poking me sharply throughout the whole nite. At some point i can feel the gas and acid twisting itself in me, like a razor, cutting through your gut. I lost count of how many trips i made to the toilet, vomitting and passing out liquid. Horrible! Could it be food poisoning? I dunno..going to the doc soon. can't stand it anymore.

I hope the baby is not affected by all this. Must be pretty noisy in there, sound of trapped gas in me. He couldn't stop moving the whole nite either.

So Im on medical leave again today. Feels really bad, been taking too many sick leave lately, way too many...sigh...

And by the way, it was kinda a spooky nite, last nite. The thought of sleeping near a dead corpse was not at all nice. Since we moved in, this is the first time a funeral was held at the multi purpose hall in front of my block. The worst part is, from our room, we have a crystal clear view of the coffin. Its half covered, mind you. Lower part of the coffin is covered by wood and the upper part, by transparent glass. But somehow, we can't make out the face from up here, cause of the reflection of the glass cover. Thank God for that! The noise hasn't started yet. Have a feeling, we are gonna have a real kecoh party soon. Well, gotta enjoy the 'perks' of staying on the lower floors.

Ok Im feeling anohter surge of gas forcing its way up. Im all clammy and goose bumps appearing again..think i need the toilet till later...

wish me luck, another nite with a dead corpse tonite. Think the windows of our room would be closed and the curtains would be drawn for a few more nites now!

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