Monday, January 16, 2006

Irfan and his car seat.

Irfan has a favourite companion to keep him company in his car seat.

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this is him....

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(some say its a Tiger, some say its a bear. so his uncle akim calls it Ti_bear)
They have a love hate relationship.
irfan likes telling him stories after stories.

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Good times...
"Mak kita nak bawak kita jalan jalaaaann. smalam pun kita jalan pegi tengok toys. but u r still my favourite, ok."

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Bad times..
" Mak kita nak bawak kita jalan jalan. Awak tak leh ikut...menyampah..Eleh, so what if awak colourful and cute. tak tanya pon! "

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when he's really fed up, he ignores Ti-Bear and looks out of the window

that's pretty much what he does in the car.

this is my second entry of the day, with many many pictures some more. i think u can tell im very bored.
after tomorrow, i wont have the luxury to do all these anymore.
my hands will be full. I'll have 45 kids to love. (yes. forty-FIVE! what kind of class is that, anyway? is it even possible to teach?)

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