Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Irfan's first school excursion to Kampong Glam

One thing I like about Irfan's school is that they have a monthly school outing based on the theme. So for february, their theme was culture. And for his first ever school excursion, he went to Kampong Glam. Unfortunately, due to work I could not be there with him. Im still very sore about it and the best I could do was to send my mum with him, armed with her new digital camera.

At first, i was thinking how weird it will be to bring lil kids to kampong glam of all places. I mean, would they really enjoy it? Isnt it a bit too 'cultured' for lil squirming, hyper kids?!
But by looking at the pics and my mum's feedback, the kids seemed to have enjoyed the trip and there were some activities lined up for them.

Irfan and I viewed the pics together at my computer and he narrated to me some parts of his trip. of course not in complete sentences but enough for me to have an idea of what he went through. When asked where he went, he answered "kampong". Good enough, I thought. At least he understood something!

Some pics from the trip:) Wish I was there!!! But I suppose, if I was there, it won't be an authentic school excursion for him. (futile attempt at trying to make myself feel better)

The pics, as narrated by Irfan

"irfan take bus, abang hold hand"
(I think they are still in school, lining up to board the bus)

"Throw, catch, then throw, catch"
(Irfan's version of how to play batu selembat)

(Irfan's version of chapteh)

"Put in"
(Irfan's version of congkak)

For this, he had no words to describe, instead he started doing his version of Tarian Melayu moves(which is nothing like tarian Melayu at all!) in front of me.

More tarian melayu moves

"Irfan fren"


His current favourite pose. At last, he could manipulate these 2 fingers to form the peace sign.

So next month, the theme would be Nature and Irfan will be going to Sungei Buloh.
MC for me?

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