Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Happy Birthday !!

Another year has gone by and it's another birthday for my partner in crime!

Happy birthday to the person who has made my world a much better place, who knows me inside out and yet love me regardless.

To the most versatile person I know, who can do anything from cooking, marketing to fixing, troubleshooting and everything else in between. He makes gender roles seem so vague and makes everything look so easy and fuss free.

May he be blessed with good health, tons of patience (very important!heh) and continue to be blessed with amazingly clear insight.

And may happy times linger forever, even when bad times come and go:)


Irfan's card for his beloved daddy.

A closer look. By the way, that rectangular thing with a red circle is not a japanese flag. It's a camera hokay! Haha.

His little pressie for his daddy. DIY car with him and alim in it. Takde budget la but still very sweet idea rite. The one in front is his daddy of course, and the one behind is supposed to be him. See how Im not in the picture at all..haiz....ANyway, unfortunately, irfan's 'head' kinda went missing. It must have fallen off somewhere, UHU glue no good la. So it looked like there's only one driver:( Searched high and low for that darn tiny green circle but couldnt find it. Luckily irfan wasnt upset and had a good laugh instead. He cant stop chuckling, saying, "My head dropped off, my head dropped off!"

Dinner @313

Heya, 32 and father of two...who would have known:)

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